Sunday, October 16, 2011

What happens in the end?

The incident of an 18 year-old girl gang raped by five men made a news headline yesterday. Various newspapers and TV channels jockeyed with one another in trying to bring details of the incident occurred in Laamu Atoll Maabaidhoo.   

Whenever a heinous crime is committed in the country, the news media seems eager to cover the story and it makes hot news in the headlines. They appear to be interested in narrating the details of how the particular crime is committed; informing the youngsters on ways to plan and carryout such horrible acts. Also, at the end of the news, the report faintly mentions that some arrests have been made or that the matter is under investigation.       

However, the news agencies are not interested in covering any details of the aftermath of those arrests and the outcome of the investigations or the court procedure concerning the crime. The news men rarely or perhaps do not follow up the case unless it carries some political weight with an opportunity to point fingers at somebody.    

Take for example the reported incidents of drug trafficking, gang rape, theft, robbery, incest and child molestation etc. in the news in Maldives. Most people in the public are uninformed about any legal outcome concerning these criminal acts reported in the news.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
26 May 2011, Thursday
23 Jumaada al-THaany 1432

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