Saturday, October 15, 2011

Muslim scholars in Libya appeal for calm

Five days of unprecedented protests against the dictatorial regime of Muammar Qaddafi has turned Benghazi, Libya’s second largest city into a war zone as the state security forces and mercenaries hired by the regime continue their killings of demonstrators in the streets.         

Protesters in Benghazi
A doctor from Al Jalaa Hospital in Benghazi confirmed that Libyan security forces opened fire on mourners at a funeral leaving 15 dead. Several doctors in the hospital collapsed in grief at the sight of dead arriving there because many of those killed and injured were relatives of doctors.  

Though the exact number of the death toll is unknown, it has been found that at least 300 people have died in Benghazi alone.    

Getting news from Libya is difficult as internet and mobile phone services remains cut and imposition of restrictions on journalists.

Muslim scholars, intellectuals and tribal chiefs have signed a statement urging the concerned state militias and mercenaries to refrain from killing innocent people.   

"We appeal to every Muslim, within the regime or assisting it in any way, to recognise that the killing of any innocent human being is forbidden by our Creator and by His beloved Prophet of compassion, peace be upon him ... Do not kill your brothers and sisters. Stop the massacre now!" a statement from 50 Muslim religious scholars in Libya read.      

The recent protests have spread into Tripoli, the Libyan state capital, believed to be a stronghold of Qaddafi supporters.     

Gaddafi took power in a military coup in 1969 when he deposed King Idris and since then has ruled the country with an iron fist.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
21 February 2011, Monday
18 Raby` al-awal 1432

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