Sunday, October 16, 2011

Israel uneasy about Palestinian reconciliation

The negotiations between the two rival Palestinian factions have resulted in a complete understanding to sign an agreement over all issues under discussion, including a date for election in Palestinian territories. It is announced that all differences between Hamas and Fatah have been overcome and both sides have signed initial letters on an agreement.    

Hamas-Fatah end disputes
The agreement covered all points of contention, including forming a transitional government, security arrangements and the restructuring of the Palestine Liberation Organisation to incorporate Hamas.

Both parties are to meet in Cairo next week for an official signing ceremony and will be attended by Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal.   

Palestinian Authority’s (PA) thorny peace process with Israel and the issue of Jewish settlements in confiscated Palestinian lands convinced PA, that the dream of Palestinian statehood is not going to be realised in a foreseeable future. Fatah led PA finally seems to have become convinced that working for Palestinian reconciliation and unity is more important than pursuing peace with Israel.    

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the head of Israeli intransigence has said Mahmoud Abbas could not hope to forge a peace deal with Israel if he pursued a reconciliation accord with Hamas. 

‘The Palestinian Authority must choose either peace with Israel or peace with Hamas. There is no possibility for peace with both,’ Netanyahu said.

Uncle Sam, who always appears as the big shadow over anything that happens in the Middle East says a review on details of the reconciliation is underway and expressed concern over Hamas’ refusal to recognise Israel’s right to exist.    
[Image: Hamas and Fatah delegation heads: Musa Abu Marzuka and Fatah Azzam al-Ahmad shake hands].
To read more about Hamas-Fatah reconciliation deal, click here:
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
28 April 2011, Thusday
24 Jumaada al-awal 1432

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