Friday, October 28, 2011

Sexual abuse, lesbianism and suffering in the convent

Sister Jesme, a former nun who spent 30 years in a convent has released an autobiography named 'Amen' which is selling like hot cakes in Kerala, India. In the book released earlier this year she has detailed sexual harassment, bullying and lesbianism within the convent walls that remain hidden from the public. However, the spokesperson for the Syro-Malabar order of the Catholic Church, Dr. Paul Thelakkat denies all such allegations saying the book exaggerates trivial matters.  

Roman Catholic nuns in India
“It is not my intention to make this book controversial. I just want to express my feelings and explain what happened to me”, says Sister Jesme, “…I want people to know how I have suffered. People say that everything is fine, but I was in the convent and I think people have the right to know what goes on. I have concerns for others.” 

Sister Jesme says when she became a nun she was astonished to discover that priests were forcing novices to have sex with them. There had been secret homosexual relationships among nuns. At one point she was forced into such a relationship by another nun who told her she preferred this kind of sexual gratification as it ruled out the possibility of pregnancy. 

She says in the book that once she travelled to Bangalore on a mission and was made to stay with a purportedly pious priest who took her to a garden. “He showed me several pairs cuddling behind trees and gave me a sermon on the necessity of physical love. He also described several illicit affairs that certain bishops and priests have had. After that he took me to his home, stripped off his clothes and ordered me to do the same.” 

She also alleges that the novices were severely punished for even minor transgressions, and the senior staff turned a blind eye to the actions of more ‘experienced’ nuns. She was not even allowed to go home after she was informed that her father had died. She was given a moment to see the body of her father barely 15 minutes before the funeral. She was told by her superiors that the then senior sisters were not even lucky enough to see the bodies of their parents.

Sister Jesme who resigned from the post of principal at a Catholic college in Thrissur last year says the senior nuns tried to commit her to a mental institution after she spoke against them. She claimed convents had become houses of ‘torture’ saying the mental pressure was unbearable. Sister Jesme says, “When I questioned the Church’s stand on self-financing colleges and certain other issues, they accused me of having mental problems. Once they sent me to a psychiatrist. Still there are many nuns undergoing ill-treatment from the order, but they are afraid to speak out. The church is a formidable fortress.” 

These allegations are not the only controversy to rock the Catholic Church in Kerala. Reports suggest there have been a number of suicides by young nuns. Last summer, a 23 year old novice committed suicide and left a note saying she had been harassed by her Mother Superior. In November 2008, the police in Kerala arrested two priests in connection with the rape and killing of Sister Abhaya. In 1992, the 16 year old Abhaya was found dead in a well within the convent walls.  

Reference:    1. The Independent 
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
1 December 2009, Tuesday
14 Thw al-Hijjah 1430

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