Saturday, October 15, 2011

The most evil club in the world

Bilderberg Group is the most powerful organisation in the world meeting in closed door sessions to fix the fate of the world. The group’s Conferences are closed to the public and the news media, and no press statements are issued.

A mixture of terror and evil
Since 1954, the Bilderberg Club whose goal is a World Government run exclusively by their hand-picked puppets have gathered annually in a luxurious hotel somewhere in the world arrogantly plotting subversion and secret takeover of legally elected governments around the world.  

Almost 58 years ago, the group met for the first time under the auspices of the Dutch royal crown and the Rockefeller family in the Hotel Bilderberg of the small Dutch town of Oosterbeck.

The guests in the conference include influential shadowy elite in the fields of politics, banking, business, the military and media. Together they control the world’s press, and virtually all banks and financial institutions. The Bilderbergers have the power to start wars, cause famines, overthrow or control governments and choose presidential candidates.

Bilderberg is run by a steering group consisting of free masons and has unexplained connections with Nazis through the Conference’s founder Prince Bernhard. Bilderberg really do have a magic wand of power. Just take a look at important career moves made by former US President Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair after attending the group’s meetings.     

°  Bill Clinton - Head of State - USA
    Attends Bilderberg meeting, Germany, 1991 - gets Presidential Nomination, Aug 1992.

° Tony Blair - effective Head of State - UK
   Attends Bilderberg meeting, Greece, 1993 - becomes party leader Jul 1994 - becomes Prime Minister , May  1997.

Bilderberg crimes are believed to have included the assassination of Princess Diana, September 11 attacks on USA (9/11) and the 2005 London Bombings (7/7).

The ongoing Rothschild revolutions in the Middle East are closely coordinated by the Bilderberg Group under the pretense of deposing despots and bringing democracy to the region, but its real aim is to create civil war or collapse of law and order and then quickly step in to offer a solution by installing a puppet. Also to make sure Arab nation states remain entangled in rivalry and infighting so that they never pose a threat to Israel.
The Rothschild Jewish family group who effectively controls money and wealth in the world have directly extended their tentacles into Maldives by offering to finance various projects in this country.
For more information click the following links:
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
28 March 2011, Monday
23 Raby` al-THaany 1432

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