Friday, October 7, 2011

Downfall begins for US backed dictator

Liberation Square, Cairo
More than a million people are estimated to be taking part in the ongoing protests across Egypt, demanding Husni Mubarak, the US backed dictator to step down.       

Tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Cairo, Alexandria, Aswan, Giza, Luxor, Ismailia and many other cities defying the curfew to demand that the 30 year old reign of terror must end.       

Violent clashes between the Egyptian security forces and the demonstrators have continued onto its second day killing more than 100 people around the country.

Despite the deployment of army on the streets of Cairo, protesters have set fire to numerous buildings, including the headquarters of the ruling NDP. Internet and mobile services in the country remains blocked in a bid to quell anti-government protests.

The upheaval continues as the protesters are hammered with batons, rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons. There have been reports of police firing live rounds into the crowds.

The long suppressed patriotism, pride and courage of the Egyptians have been finally awakened, and the dramatic events unfolding in Egypt continues to ring alarm bells in Washington and Tel Aviv for fear of not knowing the fate of the shaky peace established between Egypt and the Zionist Israel.    
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
29 January 2011, Saturday
25 Safar 1432

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