Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mr Cameron works hand in glove with EDL

The English Defence League (EDL), the British far right anti-Muslim fascist organisation has been carrying out a campaign of terror on Muslims in UK. The hate preaching extremist organisation which only targets Muslims has carried out arson attacks on mosques and other Muslim owned businesses over the past few months.     

Hooded street activists of EDL
In many parts of Britain, Muslims are effectively under siege and numerous attacks have been carried out in Hemel Hampstead, Leicester, Scunthorpe, Stoke and Kingston. Muslims are routinely being spat and abused in the street. Apart from daily verbal abuse, incidents of physical assault on Muslims are on the rise. The EDL thugs have fire-bombed many Muslim shops and in one incident a Muslim cemetery was desecrated.    

Most of these outrageous acts were not even reported in the British media and Muslims have received no words of consolation from a cabinet minister.   

The EDL (with a current membership of about 82,000) promotes Islamohobic attacks on Muslims by demos and marches on the streets claims that Muslims are trying to infiltrate the British government institutions and take over the country within a span of 10-20 years.    

When the EDL held its march in Luton (a town in the north of London) on last February, Muslim families living there closed their businesses and went indoors for fear of being attacked. The march also coincided with David Cameron, the British Prime Minister’s speech at an international security conference in Munich, Germany. In the speech, Mr Cameron condemned Muslims who believe in Islam as an ideology or a political system and said rejecting violence does not exclude such individuals out of the fold of extremists.      

Mr Cameron called on the Muslims to embrace the British values of freedom, democracy and equal rights as if the vast majority of them did not do so already. He insisted Muslim extremism is not driven by British and US wars of aggression in the Muslim world but by an ‘extremist ideology’. He never mentioned what was happening in Luton on that very moment but grotesquely compared non-violent Islamists to ‘rightwing fascists’ warning that there would be a strict checklist of Muslim bodies the government would not now work with or fund.

Mr Cameron’s speech has been hailed by far right organisations such as the British National Party (BNP), whose leader Nick Griffin called it a ‘huge leap for our ideas into the political mainstream’. In recent months, BNP have increasingly switched the focus of their hatred from Jews and migrants in general to Muslims. EDL activists were jubilant saying ‘Cameron had come round to our way of thinking’.  

Tommy Robinson, the EDL leader who wears a bullet proof vest when he is in public for fear of being targeted by liberals and leftists has recently been interviewed on Australian Radio on 21 March 2011. He was asked about the possibility of them getting rid of the ‘Muslim extremists’ in Britain and the remaining Muslims living within English law rather than sharia, he replied that Islam is a religion that needs to be ‘reformed’ and they want that to happen, they also want Muslims to ‘integrate’ into the society.    
For more information click here:
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
4 April 2011, Monday
30 Raby` al-THaany 1432

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