Friday, October 14, 2011

PA has no right to rule over Palestinians

The Palestinian authority (PA) came into existence as result of the Oslo Accords signed in the presence of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin, the assassinated Israeli Prime Minister. The agreements were signed in September 1993 by Mahmoud Abbas for the PLO, Shimon Peres for Israel, Secretary of State Warren Christopher for the United States and Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev for Russia.    

Abbas and Obama
The Oslo Accords were a framework for peaceful coexistence and the future relations between Israel and Palestinians and therefore it created a body to represent Palestinian people until the anticipated objects outlined in the agreements are achieved.  

Israel continued to violate the accords and later refused to honour its side of the bargain. The Oslo Accords have long been dead since the election of extremist Ariel Sharon as Prime Minister in 2001. With the demise of the Oslo Accords, the PA’s legitimacy as a disposer of Palestinian affairs has long been lost.  

Hamas, the Islamic resistance movement won the last parliamentary elections in 2006, but was denied the right to rule. Infuriated by this injustice, they seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007. It has been a year since new elections have long been overdue, and Mahmoud Abbas, the PA President has deliberately delayed elections. Hamas has rejected a call by Abbas to hold elections in the Palestinian territories by September 2011. Hamas knows quite well that even if they win the election they will not be allowed to rule.   

The thousands of Palestinians who took to the streets of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank demanded to abrogate the Oslo agreements and called President Abbas to relinquish power. They also said they were not looking for elections; they only want unity between Hamas and Fatah factions.     

The PA has completely lost its legitimacy as representatives of the Palestinian people and the release of  Palestine Papers confirmed their deep betrayal on Palestinian aspirations.  
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
18 February 2011, Friday
15 Raby` al-awal 1432

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