Tuesday, October 4, 2011

France refuses asylum to Ben Ali

French media reports that the French President Nicholas Sarkozy, once a close ally of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, refused to allow him land in Paris.  

There are conflicting reports about the whereabouts of Ben Ali who ruled Tunisia for nearly a quarter of a century. Some reports say that he is headed to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Still tensions remain high in Tunisia even after Ben Ali is confirmed to have fled the country within hours after dismissing the government and declaring a state of emergency.   

The protesters are reported to be ransacking government buildings in the capital, Tunis and other cities and demanding that Mohammed Ghannouchi, the Prime Minister under Ben Ali who took over power as new interim President should stand down.   

Ben Ali’s heavy handed methods to quell the uprising may have turned the country’s army against him. The past one month saw violent clashes between the security forces and the angry protesters which left scores of people dead. Ben Ali who ruled Tunisia as a police state failed to deliver the promised reforms, tackle its rising unemployment and inflation.    

As the night fell in Tunisia the people on the street carrying their national flags have been chanting Humat Al-Hima (defenders of homeland), the country’s popular anthem.  
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
15 January 2011, Saturday
11 Safar 1432

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