Monday, October 3, 2011

A public rally against visiting Israeli eye surgeons

Thousands of people gathered to voice their concern and disapproval against the visiting eye surgeons representing Eye from Zion.

The people who spoke at the mass rally held this afternoon raised their concern over President Mohamed Nasheed’s decision to have closer ties with Israel.  

Some opposition political parties, civil society organisations and a certain party which is in the ruling coalition took part in today’s peaceful protest rally held at South Eastern end of MalĂ©.  

The protesters carried banners and placards condemning Israel for its atrocities against the Palestinians. One banner in the rally read “Maldivians against Jews and Zionists” and many who spoke in the gathering demanded that government immediately suspend or sever all diplomatic relations with Israel.

Similar protest rallies or marches have been held in Addu Atoll and Fuamulaku this afternoon.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
17 December 2010, Friday
11 Muharram 1432

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