Friday, October 14, 2011

Islamic encyclopedia launched in India

The book titled An Educational Encyclopedia of Islam is a monumental work edited by Syed Iqbal Zaheer, an Islamic Scholar and engineer from Bangalore. The two-volume English language edition prepared by a team of scholars covers the religious dimensions of Islam and its developments over the centuries.   

Islamic Encyclopedia
It took 15 years for the entire team of East West Educational Tools to complete the great work.  

"The encyclopedia fills a very important void as heretofore most such reference material stemmed from the West whose biasness and prejudice coloured the content," said Iqbal Zaheer in a press release.

Speaking during the inauguration in Bangalore, Zaheer said most of the encyclopedic efforts on Islam and Muslims have been done in the West and provides a distorted picture of Islam by carrying forward the agenda of the Orientalists.      

The encyclopedia covers a wide range of subjects like definitions of Islamic terms, life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Islamic law, social and political movements in Islam and the Islamic world, Muslim scientists and scholars of the past, Islamic history, Muslim minorities, etc.

For more information click the following links:
Compiled by: Ibrahim Nazim
16 February 2011, Wednesday
13 Raby` al-awal 1432

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