Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The US has lost the war on terror

The US blitzkrieg to drive the Taliban from power in 2001 just cost the lives of 12 American soldiers and the so called ‘victory’ was achieved with relative ease. However, within 2-3 years time, gradually the Taliban regrouped and ever since the occupying US has faced a formidable resistance from the Islamic fighters. Despite 150,000 foreign troops occupying Afghanistan and an equal number of hired mercenaries, the US and its allies have found the going battle extremely difficult.     

General David Petraeus, the commander of US forces in Afghanistan has admitted that he was not fighting to win but only to avoid defeat. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have bankrupted the US, and the ongoing conflict is on the course to financially ruin NATO members fighting alongside the United States. The war costs the US approximately $100 billion a year which is about seven times Afghanistan’s annual gross domestic product of $14 billion and more than the cost of President Obama’s health-care plan.  

The US intelligence claims that there are only 400 al-Qaeda militants hiding in the Afghan-Pak border region, if so the US does not need to commit 100,000 troops to fight a ragtag band of al-Qaeda fighters. Instead more money, equipments and troops continue to be poured in just to defeat a bunch of al-Qaeda warriors.      

The US has completely failed to apprehend Usama bin Laden or to dismantle al-Qaeda. The most wanted man in the world, al-Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden still enjoys a safe haven somewhere in the world and continues to command the various al-Qaeda franchisees in Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and North Africa.         

Protecting the CIA-Pentagon run drugs trade in Afghanistan to finance the US led wars elsewhere is a top priority, as the Afghan drugs brings $50 billion a year. People around the world are brainwashed in believing that opium and heroin are financing world terrorism and the supply of weapons to Taliban is through drugs trade. However, billions of dollars worth heroin is shipped out of Afghanistan on rendition flights and American Global Hawk UAV aircrafts are used for distribution around the world.  

The United States has accumulated an external debt of some $14 trillion and an internal debt of another $38 trillion, indicating that it is the biggest debtor nation in the world. The US is heading towards a nightmare scenario and is no longer able to pay for the ongoing wars or for the rising number of unemployed in the country. The number of poor people in the US has risen to 44 million from 38 million two years ago. The US infrastructure is crumbling and there is no money to repair it. The US Federal Reserve Bank is a private institution owned and controlled by the Jews – continues to print dollars but this racketeering cannot go on forever. The economy has not rebounded; and the number of unemployed has not declined. The optimistic statements issued in the wake of the financial meltdown in October 2008 to bail out failing US banks and corporations have been exposed as fraudulent. The economic uncertainty has led to public anger which gave rise to the Tea Party movement with its lunatic jingoism. The movement is being craftily exploited by rightwing politicians for their narrow selfish ends.    

The US has entangled itself in a nightmare and the defeat in Afghanistan is inevitable. The US and NATO death tolls in the war on terror continues to rise and more obstacles lie ahead. The US and coalition forces have no other option but to withdraw from Afghanistan and when this happens, Afghanis would once again prove that their country, Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires.  
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
18 October 2010, Monday
10 Zulqaida 1431

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