Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CIA Behind 9/11 Attacks?

Most people in the world have begun to believe that attacks on World Trade Centre and the Pentagon were engineered by politicians in the White House and those attacks were an inside job involving the US Central Intelligence Agency.    

The suspicions about such conspiracy grows more if someone were to analyse the 9/11 videos carefully. Sounds of explosions inside the twin towers could be heard at intervals within moments before the buildings got collapsed. Just a second or so before the ‘United Airlines Flight 175’ hit the South Tower, a missile was fired from the plane causing an explosion on the adjacent side of the building. This happened before the plane penetrated into the steel tower and as a result, two simultaneous explosions could be seen on both sides. A closer look at the belly of the plane shows missiles attached to its fuselage.            

Another amazing thing was that a third aircraft appeared on the scene after both the towers had been hit. The video images of this aircraft were caught on cameras of many news channels covering the event that day. Contrary to what was said in the news, the aircrafts were not hijacked Boeing 767 passenger airliners but military planes without windows.   

Systematic demolition blasts made both the buildings to collapse within two hours after planes had been hit. The explosions were from top down which brought the building tumbling down like in any other demolition blasts. The constructors of WTC confirm that each tower was a steel tube within a steel tube. The speculation that the building was not able to withstand the intense heat of the jet fuel was totally baseless. The researchers have found that it was highly unlikely that the steel at WTC experienced temperatures above 750-800°C range. All reports that steel girders and columns melted at 1500°C were imprecise or false as the steel could bear heat up to 3000°C.

In a 1993 interview, John Skilling, the head structural engineer for WTC stated that the towers were designed to withstand the impact and fires resulting from the collision of a large jet airliner such as Boeing 707 or Douglas DC-8. The maximum fuel capacity of a Boeing 767 jet aircraft is 23,980 gallons and even if all the fuel from the plane would dump into the building, the building structure would still be there after a horrendous fire. Many buildings after aircrafts had been hit have remained burning for days without collapsing. The towers were also designed to withstand a force of a hurricane with a wind speed of 225 km/h.      

Apart from the twin towers, another building in the World Trade Centre Complex collapsed on that day of the attack. The East Penthouse building collapsed at 17:21, several hours after the twin towers got collapsed but no planes hit that building. The video images showed the building started to implode before it finally fell. The East Penthouse could have been used as the control centre for the destruction of twin towers, so to cover up the evidence they blew up that building.

It could not have been a coincidence that all the black boxes of the ‘hijacked’ jumbo jets got lost, burned down or disappeared into thin air, including those ‘crashed’ into the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. The crater hole in Pentagon was smaller than the size of the plane reported to have hit the place and its body parts were never found. No one would believe that Boeing 757’s punch neat holes through steel reinforced concrete walls. The so called video footages of the plane crashing into Pentagon, released after many days was later proven to be a fake.   

Many people continue to wonder about the 19 hijackers whose names were released by the FBI just within 3 days after the event. Nobody knows for sure how they hijacked those passenger planes almost immediately after takeoff and how the ground controllers tried to handle the situation. In the immediate aftermath of the event the news reports said the hijackers used the planes’ cutlery to take control of the aircrafts. How effective were cutleries in those days to be used as weapons to hijack a passenger jet full of people? Were they (3 or 4 hijackers) the only passengers who possessed or had access to cutlery inside the plane? Today, nine years after the horrifying event, we hear nothing about the tactics used by the so called al-Qaeda ‘terrorists’ to hijack those planes.

Some of the so called hijackers could have been people kidnapped by the FBI and killed secretly to prepare the grounds for 9/11. It is very interesting to note that names and photos of alleged terrorist hijackers could be displayed so soon after 9/11 indicates that the attacks were planned by US intelligence. Another amazing thing about the 9/11 attacks were lack of information about the pilots and crew who were onboard those hijacked aircrafts. More suspicions continued to grow when the FBI was not able to release the photographs and names of those flight attendants and airline pilots who they said were killed in the attacks. How many families within the US confirmed that they went to see off their loved ones depart in any of those scheduled flights? It is not mentioned that the hijackers made everyone onboard the planes to leave before taking off into the air or they were the only passengers who got into the planes. The US authorities have tried to make people believe that foreigners could board a flight in US in 2001 in the same way as people in Bangladesh board a ferry boat then.              

It was said that hijacked United Airlines Flight 93, crashed in an open field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania after a struggle between passengers on board and the hijackers. A normal plane crash site contains the bodies of passengers, their luggage and smashed parts of the aircraft, leaving a small debris field in the area. Instead, the main body of the plane engine landed several miles away from the wreckage and debris were scattered all along the way suggests that the plane was shot down by a heat-seeking missile.      

Another embarrassing thing to the US was that out of the alleged 19 hijackers named and whose photographs were released by the FBI, at least 7 were confirmed as being alive. Four men from Saudi Arabia spoke of their shock and anger of being named as suicide terrorists by the FBI. In order to rectify the confusion the CNN was made to report that the men who hijacked the aircrafts used stolen identities of real people living in the Middle East. Why would people who intend to commit suicide worry whether anyone finds out their real name? Why would Saudi Arabians dwelling in the caves of Afghanistan steal the identities of their fellow Arabs? They could have stolen the identities of Greeks, Brazilians, Turks or perhaps Israelis in order to avoid any suspicion and never to leave a trace behind.        

Almost 15 days after the September 11 attacks, the FBI released photos and more information about the 19 hijackers and their supposed nationalities. Out of the 19 hijackers, 15 were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from United Arab Emirates, 1 from Egypt (Mohamed Atta) and 1 from Lebanon. None from Iraq or Afghanistan was on the list but the US war on terrorism first targeted these two countries with the pretext that they provided a safe haven for al-Qaeda terrorists. The US invasion of Afghanistan was to drive away sharia implementing Taliban from power and to protect the narcotics trade. Saudi Arabia, the country where 15 hijackers came from was not bombed. It was because Saudi Arabia has been a state subservient to US for quite a long and this accusation would make the country to become a complete US stooge or surrogate. The 9/11 Commission Report (July 2004) concluded that there was no evidence to link the Saudi Arabian government with the alleged perpetrators of the crime. The Report offered new ‘evidence’ of increased contact between Iran and al-Qaeda. It accused Iranian officials of not putting entry stamps on the hijackers’ passports as they passed through Iran. All this was to find a pretext to make Iran the next US target.         

One of the many unanswered questions on the minds of everyone about 9/11 attacks is, why hijackers with suicide missions flew planes into several key landmarks in the United States? People are made to believe that Muslim extremists are more likely to commit suicide in trying to achieve their aims than any other group of religious fanatics. No one stops to wonder or listen to any other possible explanation on how and where the planes came from. It could be that the planes were remote-controlled and not manned at all or perhaps they were missiles whose appearance had been changed. According to David Shayler, a British journalist and former MI5 officer the planes were missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes. He has asked people to watch the video footages frame by frame to see a cigar shaped missile hitting the World Trade Centre.       
The United States and Israel are two sides of the same coin, and therefore, the CIA in collaboration with the Israeli Mossad could have orchestrated the attacks to justify military aggression on countries of the Middle East to curb the growing threat to Israel. Another motive behind the attacks was to save the declining US economy by taking control of the oil in the Persian Gulf region.   

The controversial Florida preacher, Pastor Terry Jones who planned to set ablaze thousands of copies of the Muslim holy Book on what he called ‘International Burn a Quran Day’ on September 11 this year became a flash point. The 58 year old Jones giving interviews to various news channels saying Quran is of the devil and his rhetoric of hate mongering against Muslims was nothing else but to divert people’s attention away from how the 9/11 attacks were carried out and who were the people responsible for those heinous crimes. In the few weeks before 9/11, few people talked about how the attacks occurred or even tried to guess who really was behind those covert operations of destruction. The advice given by top level US officials to Terry Jones, including Hillary Clinton and David Patraeus, not to go ahead with his planned Quran burning ceremony was to keep the media attention focused on the threatened sacrilegious act and just to make sure that no one would give much thought on who really planned 9/11 attacks. The whole saga about Quran burning could have been planned by the US intelligence just to distract people’s attention from the reality.     

The majority of opinions around the world do not agree with the US Government’s view that a bunch of militants trained by Usama bin Laden could carry out such a massive operation. Today, nearly one-third of the US citizens do not believe that 9/11 was the work of al-Qaeda led by bin Laden. The tape released by the US on December 14, 2001 in which Usama bin Laden allegedly confesses for 9/11 attacks was proven to be a fake. Bin Laden has consistently denied any involvement in the attacks saying he does not justify killing innocent people. On June 5, 2006, the FBI spokesman, Rex Tomb was asked why there is no mention of 9/11 listed among the so called crimes committed by bin Laden. Tomb replied, “The FBI has no hard evidence connecting Usama bin Laden with the 9/11 attacks on America.”

Countless numbers of innocent Muslims have been killed, detained and their livelihoods completely destroyed as a result of US war on terror. Many of them still remain imprisoned without a trial at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The US has made a real mess out of 9/11 from which there is no escape. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq has cost US billions of dollars, and killed more US citizens than those killed in the 9/11 attacks.

The US has persuaded President Mohamed Nasheed to allow Maldives to be used as a dumping ground for Guantanamo detainees or what they call terrorists, hoping to get Maldives involved in US crimes of persecuting Muslims around the world. Though Maldivians are fully aware that those incarcerated at Guantanamo are innocent, they are not in favour of President Nasheed’s decision to bring them into this country. One of the reasons why Maldivians do not want Guantanamo detainees into this country is that it gives the US an excuse to fully dictate what Maldives should do to fight US war on terror, and the end result of it would be the US making a terrible mess out of the peace that prevails in this nation. If the government led by President Nasheed is so interested or keen to help Muslims in trouble around the world, they are suppose to bring here a few homeless orphans from Palestine, Chechnya or Afghanistan.      
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
5 October 2010, Tuesday
26 Shawwal 1431

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