Saturday, September 24, 2011

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the sixth and current President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The son of a blacksmith, Ahmadinejad was born on 28 October 1956 in Garmsar, near Tehran. He holds a PhD in Traffic and Transport from Tehran's University of Science and Technology. By profession, he is an engineer and a teacher. 

Ahmadinejad became the President of Iran on 3 August 2005, and was re-elected in 2009 amid international criticism. The western media portrayed that his re-election has stirred Iran’s worst political unrest since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Ahmadinejad is a controversial figure internationally, but has gained popularity among his citizens because of his stand to continue Iran's nuclear energy program against the western criticism and the refusal to recognise Israel as a legitimate state.

Due to his courage shown against the United States and the Zionist regime, Ahmadinejad has received recognition among the Muslims all over the world including the Maldives. Many Muslims consider him as a hero who has the courage to speak on behalf of all the Muslims, against the US led pressure.  

He has repeatedly slated the Zionist state of Israel at international forums and in public rallies, and has openly called for an end to the apartheid Israeli state.  

Ahmadinejad rejected the Jewish version of the Holocaust and described it as a myth. In October 2005 he made a controversial statement, in which he envisaged the replacement of Zionist state of Israel with a Palestinian state. The western media interpreted the statement saying that he called to wipe off Israel from the world map.  

In an address to the United Nations last September, President Ahmadinejad said some segments within the US government orchestrated the 9/11 attacks to reverse the declining American economy and tighten its grips on the Middle East, in order also to save the Zionist regime. Ahmadinejad proposed that the United Nations set up an independent fact-finding commission to determine what happened on September11, 2001.   

Considering the divisions and current situation of Muslims around the world, Ahmadinejad is not in favour of military intervention against the Zionist state of Israel, saying instead Israel would vanish on its own.In his recent state visit to Lebanon, Ahmadinejad said the Zionist regime is sliding towards collapse, and no power on earth is capable of saving it. 

He is also an outspoken critic against veto power of the UN Security Council's five permanent members, calling to extend the same privilege to the Muslims, as the population of the Muslim world is more than 1.5 billion.  
Written by: Ibrahim Mohamed
16 October 2010, Saturday
8 Zulqaida 1431

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