Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gilad Shalit: captured IDF soldier

More than 4 years have passed since Izzaddin al-Qassam, the armed wing of Hamas captured Gilad Shalit during a cross-border raid in June 2006. Shalit, a 19 year old Israeli conscript then, is believed to be held in a secret location in Gaza Strip. Last August, the British Foreign Office issued a statement saying Shalit’s detention is unjustifiable and unacceptable, and demanded his immediate and unconditional release.

Governments around the world are so worried about just one IDF (Israeli Defence Force) soldier being held under captivity while ignoring thousands of innocent Palestinian children who languish in Israeli jails. Should there be much to worry about just one soldier of a war mongering state being taken captive by the people they have oppressed for 62 years? Like the mother of Gilad Shalit, the parents of those children too are spending sleepless nights not knowing the fate of their beloved sons or daughters.  

A year after the capture of Gilad Shalit, Hamas released an emotional audio of him in which he called on his parents and the Israeli government to secure his release from the hands of Hamas. Shalit said in the audio, “I am the soldier Gilad, son of Noam Shalit, prisoner of Ctahb Alshahid Izzaddin al-Qassam. Mom and Dad, my sister and my brother, my friends in IDF, I’m sending you from inside the prison my warm regards and longing for all of you. I’ve been through an entire year inside the prison and still my health condition is getting worse and I need extended medical treatment. I’m sorry for the lack of interest of the Israeli Government and IDF to my situation and their lack of compliance to the demands of al-Qassam. It is obvious they have to comply to these demands so that I can be released from the prison and specially because I was in a military operation, caused by military instruction and wasn’t a drug dealer and like I have parents, mother and father, the thousands of Palestinian detainees also have mothers and fathers whose sons must be returned to them. I have a big hope that my government will be interested in me and comply with the demands of al-mujahedin. Corporal Gilad Shalit.”       

On 28 August, corresponding to Shalit’s birthday his family put up a protest tent not far from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's home in Jerusalem. Gilad Shalit’s mother, Aviva Shalit wrote to the wives of Ministers and the members of Knesset requesting to put pressure on Israeli Government to secure the release of her son. She said she has spent long difficult nights after Shalit was taken captive by Hamas. Aviva wrote to them, “Not to see, not to hug, not to hear, not to smell – to live in a big painful emptiness in our home in Mitzpe Hila, without holidays or special days. I ask you humbly, as a mother, sister, wife, human being – help me bring my son home."   

What Shalit’s mother does not realise is that Israel has turned Hamas controlled Gaza into a virtual prison and 1.5 million people still remain deprived of their basic necessities. In the winter of 2008-2009, Israel carried out an onslaught on Gaza which killed almost 1500 Palestinian civilians, among them many innocent women and children. All this was to put pressure on Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) to release Gilad Shalit and force them to submit themselves to Israel. So far, Israel has used all its military might to secure the release of Shalit but not all its means. Hamas regards Shalit as a significant bargaining chip to release one thousand Palestinians imprisoned by Israel. Israeli authorities are reluctant to accept that one IDF soldier is worth a thousand Palestinians they consider as terrorists.    

Hamas has produced several motion picture cartoons as a warning to Zionists about the dire consequences if Israel continues to refuse their demands. In one 3D animation, Gilad Shalit’s father walks on the streets of Israel and continually hears the promises of successive Israeli governments’ to secure the release of his son. After years he becomes old and weary and finally receives his son’s body in a coffin but he suddenly wakes up to find it was only a nightmare. The animation ends saying there is still hope.       
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
22 October 2010, Friday
14 Zulqaida 1431

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