Friday, September 30, 2011

A temporary freeze in Israeli settlements on Palestinian land is no solution

There could be no peace as long as Jews continue to build on the land where Palestinians want to create a future state. The Zionists had unlawfully occupied a huge area of Palestinian land by terror and force even before 1947 UN Partition Plan. The European powers backed by the US made the illegal Zionist occupation of Palestine to become ‘legitimate’ through the United Nations, an organization created to preserve the West’s hegemony over the world.

Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas wants Israel to return back to its pre-1967 border so that Palestinians can have a state of their own in West Bank and Gaza with East Jerusalem as its capital. No sane person would believe that a temporary freeze in Israeli settlements on these lands could make the Palestinians to realise their dream.      

Mahmoud Abbas says that he will not attend peace talks unless the Israelis stop settlement construction in all of the Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem. Should Mr Abbas return to peace talks if Israel were to put another 10 month moratorium on settlement construction? Israel has made it clear that settlement construction works will continue with or without peace talks. Israel has annexed East Jerusalem and declared that the whole of Jerusalem is indivisible and eternal capital of Israel. The third holiest site in Islam, the al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem is under Israeli control. The Jews are planning to destroy the mosque with the pretext of finding the foundation of Solomon’s Temple underneath it. In East Jerusalem, Palestinian families are forced to evacuate their homes, making way for Israelis to take ownership of them. Therefore, Palestinians have no reason to negotiate for peace; they have nothing more to lose, they have already lost everything.       

Israelis fear of having to make any concessions concerning the occupied territories. To overcome this fear, the United States is ready to offer Israel written security guarantees to help re-start peace negotiations. The written offer would formalise understandings reached earlier last month between the two countries. It also includes providing Israel 20 F-35 stealth jets.       

PLO led Palestinian Authority is not in a strong position to bargain with Israel. Israel expects them to accept a sort of peace settlement without having to give up any territories. This is a sort of solution unacceptable even to Palestinian moderates such as PLO, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Israel regards Hamas, Hizbollah along with Iran and Syria as extremists or terrorists hell-bent on destroying Israel. Israel’s failure to reach a negotiated peace settlement with the moderates is blamed on the ‘extremists’. Israel continued to violate the Oslo Accords signed with the Palestinians in September 1993 and the agreement had been dead for more than a decade. The Israeli policy makers believe that an independent Palestinian state means the end of Israel.

Based on what the Zionists have done in the past, it could be said they are not interested in achieving a lasting peace but only want to buy time to continue their settlement construction in occupied Palestinian lands.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
2 December 2010, Thursday
26 Zulhijjah 1431

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