Friday, September 30, 2011

Beware of Israeli eye surgeons!

Maldivians are not impressed with the news that a team of seven doctors from the Jewish state of Israel visiting this country to conduct eye surgeries at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital in MalĂ©. The Israeli doctors and surgeons have become notorious for illegally harvesting organs from non-Jews around the world.      

Not long after the news of the horrible earthquake that struck Haiti, Israeli medical teams jumped on the scene to harvest organs from dead or injured Haitians. There have been various reports of allegations on the news media about Israeli medical teams working in disaster zones secretly stealing organs from fresh corpses.     

Organ harvesting is a long standing practice by Israeli medical establishment who profit from the criminal act or are rewarded in many ways.

Israel has secretly been removing body parts (including skin and bones) of Palestinians to be used on its injured soldiers and Jews who require surgical transplanting of organs.    

Salam, a West Bank-based Palestinian journalist who witnessed and observed the crimes of Israeli military stealing the bodies of dead or injured Palestinians from hospital emergency rooms, confirmed that IDF soldiers used to bury them in secret graves after extracting their organs. Salam who worked for 22 years amidst political persecution was one of the few writers to receive Hellman/Hammett Grant from Human Rights Watch as a recognition of her courage.  

Thousands of bodies, including people known to have been alive were transferred to Abu Kabir Forensic Institute near Tel Aviv, Israel’s only autopsy facility notorious for organ trafficking. Its chief pathologist, Dr Yehuda Hiss admitted stealing human organs but was never held accountable.     

In December 2009, Israel admitted that during 1990’s there had been illicit organ harvesting of skin, heart valves, corneas and bones from dead bodies of Palestinians, foreign workers and even Israeli soldiers. On 6 August 2010, the Ukrainian police arrested some Israelis on suspicion of selling human organs.  

In a document submitted to Geneva-Based United Nations Human Rights Council (March 2010), the International Organisation for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD), a Libyan founded NGO called for an international boycott of Israeli doctors and medical centres.  

The health authorities in Maldives have to take utmost caution in allowing Israeli medical surgeons into this country and Maldivians who apply for treatment from these doctors have to take precautionary measures to avoid any foul play.  

Based on Israel’s past records towards Palestinians, it is better for the Maldives to shun all medical aid from the Zionist regime.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
26 November 2010, Friday
20 Zulhijjah 1431

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