Friday, September 30, 2011

More Protest marches ahead

Hundreds of people protested along the streets of Malé tonight, demanding that Israeli eye surgeons representing Eye from Zion be deported from Maldives.

“The protesters condemned President Mohamed Nasheed for meeting with the team of seven Israeli eye surgeons”, a local newspaper reported.  

In the meeting at the President’s Office, the President said a vast majority of Maldivians appreciate the humanitarian work of the doctors.  

The protesters said they are planning to continue their protests again tomorrow night and called on the political parties to join them.  

The angry protesters also said Israel feels abandoned by the community of nations over its treatment of Palestinians and is trying to polish its tarnished image abroad.

“Israel needs us more than we need them because they are the most hated nation on earth.” said a young man who refused to be named.   
Written by: Ibrahim nazim
13 December 2010, Monday
7 Muharram 1432

The US military exhausted their power and cannot invade another country

A recent study conducted by Amer Abdul-Moneim, Arab News editor and Egyptian writer reveals that a great number of US soldiers have been killed during hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

More than 1 million US soldiers and officers have been killed, wounded, maimed, or became mentally sick in the course of hostilities that started with Iraq nearly 20 years ago and the ongoing war in Afghanistan since 2001. In addition to the human costs, America has lost more than 600 thousand pieces of military equipment: military vehicles, helicopters, fighter aircrafts etc. Huge economic costs, involving trillions of dollars have been poured into both wars.

These figures may impress and come as surprise to many people, as a large amount of information unfolds before our eyes. At the end of the detailed written study, the author, Abdul-Moneim provides documented facts and figures.  

To understand the extent of the devastation caused to the US military and to have an idea about what really happened to its huge weaponry in those wars, we can compare it with a bull whose horns are strong. The frail bullfighter quickly turns around the bull and skillfully plunges his weapon into the weak part of its body and it falls on the ground.

Four main points have been emphasized by the author in describing the defeat of the US occupation army:  loss of equipment and weapons systems, rising number of injured soldiers, total losses in human lives, and finally, loss of aircrafts, which leads to rejection by the army to conduct combat operations.

The US military has no means to start up a new war or invade another country and their threats to invade Iran, Yemen, Pakistan and Sudan are nothing but empty words. The US sabre-rattling has continued against Iran for more than 3 years and despite its build up in the Persian Gulf, no military strike has been carried out. The US economy is in shambles and therefore, was unable to lend a helping hand to South Korea when North Korea bombarded the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong which killed some marines.  
The US has really exhausted their military power and Abdel-Moneim predicts the fall of the American Evil Empire in a near future.   
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
12 December 2010, Sunday
6 Muharram 1432

The royals’ car attacked by a mob

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla were on their way to the Royal Variety Performance when a group of mobs attacked their car. They were caught in the students’ protest as they drove down the Regent Street in London. The attack left a smashed window and splashed paint on the car, raising questions about the level of royal security.   

The police have launched a criminal investigation and said there could be more arrests as the investigation progresses. It was confirmed that armed royal protection officers had been guarding the royal couple when the incident took place.

“It was a very regrettable incident, but in the end let’s remember that this was not the fault of the police. This was the fault of the people who tried to smash up that car.” said David Cameron, the British Prime Minister.   

The student demonstration turned violent across the capital after MP’s voted to raise tuition fees up to £9000, almost tripling the previous amount for fees. Violence intensified when news about the vote in favour of increasing university fees spread among the student protesters.    
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
12 December 2010, Sunday
6 Muharram 1432

Two Israeli eye surgeons granted licence amid protests

Maldives Medical Council granted licence to two visiting Israeli eye surgeons today afternoon amid the protests in the capital Malé, Maldives.

Mohamed Iyas, media coordinator told the press that the licence was granted to two eye surgeons representing Eye from Zion, after they submitted authentic qualification certificates and documents.

Eye from Zion is a voluntary organisation which provides medical assistance around the world, trying to promote the Zionist regime of Israel.

Iyas said the seven member team has earlier submitted certificates produced from word documents. But the official stamps were missing, he added.

“We had been receiving certificates one by one,” he explained. “At the time of registration, we didn’t get all the necessary documents. Only one doctor has submitted all the qualification certificates.”

He said if the Israeli government or the institution which issued them the certificates proves that the documents are authentic, all the eye surgeons will be granted the licence.

The protesters drove inside the city on motorbikes for the second day, calling to ban all Israeli medical teams. Not long after the protests began, they burned the flags of Israel near the Tsunami Monument in Malé.     
Written by: Ibrahim Mohamed
11 December 2010, Saturday
5 Muharram 1432

Protest against Jews rocks the capital

Over 300 people protested against the visiting Israeli eye surgeons representing Eye from Zion, today evening in the capital Male’, Maldives.

Eye from Zion is a voluntary organisation, which provides medical assistance around the world, trying to promote the Zionist regime of Israel.

Protesters carried placards which read “withdraw from the land of Palestine”, “we don’t want Jewish eye surgeons” and “leave Maldives”. They also carried the pictures of wounded Palestinians from attacks by Israeli armed forces.

The rally began near the Tsunami Monument beach area, but later the protesters drove inside the city on motorbikes.

The angry protesters called Israel to stop killing the innocent Palestinians, and said the intention of the medical team was to spy and to spread propaganda. They also shouted by saying Jews would not provide any form of assistance, unless there is a hidden agenda.

The Medical Council of Maldives has revealed that the certificates and documents submitted by the medical team were inauthentic.   
Written by: Ibrahim Mohamed
10 December 2010, Friday
4 Muharram 1432

Israeli medical team submits forged documents

The Medical Council of Maldives announced on Thursday the documents and certificates of qualification submitted by Israeli eye surgeons were forged.

Eye from Zion, a voluntary organisation from Israel was established in 2007 by Israeli businessman Nati Marcus. The Islamic NGO’s in Maldives voiced criticisms and raised concern about the medical team of doctors representing Eye from Zion visiting this country under the banner of giving free medical services from 9-14 December 2010.   

Mohamed Iyas, Medical Council media coordinator has revealed to the press saying the team of Israeli doctors has failed to submit all the necessary documents required to obtain the licence. He said the few documents submitted to the health authority were found to have been forged.

He added that Medical Council has decided not to give permission for the Israeli medical team to practise in Maldives.

“We can only issue the licence according to the rules and regulations,” Iyas said. “We cannot give permission to anyone unless valid certificates are submitted. We are checking the authenticity of the documents. If they submit documents meeting our standards, we may issue the licence.”

The appointments to consult the eye surgeons were cancelled at the last moment on Thursday, while dozens of patients were lining to register.

Media reports say that over 700 patients got registered for eye treatment.
Written by: Ibrahim Mohamed
10 December 2010, Friday
4 Muharram 1432

The Supreme Court ruling may end the row over cabinet endorsements

The opposition majority parliament refused to endorse some of the re-appointed ministers of President Mohamed Nasheed’s cabinet who resigned en masse on last July. The cabinet ministers complained that the opposition dominated parliament was blocking them from performing their constitutional duties and resigned in protest.

There was a controversy between the government and the opposition over whether ministers had to be endorsed individually or collectively.

The ruling MDP MP’s boycotted the vote that rejected seven out of the twelve cabinet ministers. Nevertheless, President Nasheed was of the view that ministers could remain in their portfolios, as the parliament’s refusal to endorse a minister would not amount to a vote of no confidence.    

The issue of cabinet endorsements caused disruptions in parliamentary sessions and continued to have a political deadlock for months.  

The opposition parties took the matter to the Supreme Court for a ruling and six out of the seven judges agreed that the cabinet ministers who failed to win the approval of parliament must not keep their posts.   

Ahmed Muathasim is one out of the seven Supreme Court judges who has a totally different view on the ruling. He has the opinion that even though the parliament refuses to endorse the ministers they cannot be dismissed from their posts.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
10 December 2010, Friday
4 Muharram 1432

Rabbis issue racist statement against non-Jews

Over 40 rabbis of the Zionist regime of Israel signed a racist statement urging the government not to sell or rent properties to non-Jews, explaining it is a sin.

Israel is a state built on occupied Palestinian land which claims that non-Jewish citizens are guaranteed full rights. It is estimated that one-fifth of Israel's population of 7.5 million are Arabs.

The statement has escalated tension between Jews and Israeli Arabs. 

The rabbis who are paid by the state also alleged that selling or renting properties to non-Jews may fall the property values. The statement also raised concern over mixed marriages.

The Zionist government of Israel, which proclaims to the international community that Israel protects human rights, has denounced the statement. Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said the statement was “undemocratic”. But no action was taken against the rabbis.

"Such things should not be said, neither about Jews nor Arabs," he said.

Rabbis are known for promoting hatred against non-Jews or gentiles. They believe that they are the only people chosen to be in a covenant with God. They claim that Jews are superior over other humans. Some radical Jews also promote the idea of spilling the blood of non-Jews, and strongly reject a peace process leading to the withdrawal of Israel from the West Bank.

Shmuel Eliyahu, the chief rabbi of Safed, in northern Israel, has earlier urged that the signed statement should be applied specifically to Arabs.
Written by: Ibrahim Mohamed
9 December 2010, Thursday
3 Muharram 1432

Argentina follows Brazil’s footsteps in recognising Palestine

Much to the disappointment of the Zionist state of Israel, Argentina has recognised Palestine as a free and independent state, just days after Brazil declared that it recognises a Palestinian state within 1967 borders.      

Argentine President, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner had written to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority President, in expressing her support to create an independent Palestinian state to resolve Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Argentine Foreign Minister, Hector Timermen said on Monday that his country recognised Palestine according to its 1967 borders with the hope of finding a peaceful solution to the problem.     

"Argentina has traditionally recognised the right of the Palestinian people to create an independent state just like the Israeli state, to live together in peace with their neighbours with secure and internationally recognised borders," says Timerman.

Israel immediately called the decision by Buenos Aires “regrettable” adding that “If Argentina had wanted to make a real contribution to peace, there are other ways of doing that other than by a purely rhetorical gesture."

Following the announcement by Argentina, the Palestinian ambassador in Buenos Aires expects that other Latin American countries would follow suit in accepting a Palestinian state.  

Uruguay's deputy foreign minister has already announced that his country would recognise a Palestinian state in 2011.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
8 December 2010, Wednesday
2 Muharram 1432

A temporary freeze in Israeli settlements on Palestinian land is no solution

There could be no peace as long as Jews continue to build on the land where Palestinians want to create a future state. The Zionists had unlawfully occupied a huge area of Palestinian land by terror and force even before 1947 UN Partition Plan. The European powers backed by the US made the illegal Zionist occupation of Palestine to become ‘legitimate’ through the United Nations, an organization created to preserve the West’s hegemony over the world.

Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas wants Israel to return back to its pre-1967 border so that Palestinians can have a state of their own in West Bank and Gaza with East Jerusalem as its capital. No sane person would believe that a temporary freeze in Israeli settlements on these lands could make the Palestinians to realise their dream.      

Mahmoud Abbas says that he will not attend peace talks unless the Israelis stop settlement construction in all of the Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem. Should Mr Abbas return to peace talks if Israel were to put another 10 month moratorium on settlement construction? Israel has made it clear that settlement construction works will continue with or without peace talks. Israel has annexed East Jerusalem and declared that the whole of Jerusalem is indivisible and eternal capital of Israel. The third holiest site in Islam, the al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem is under Israeli control. The Jews are planning to destroy the mosque with the pretext of finding the foundation of Solomon’s Temple underneath it. In East Jerusalem, Palestinian families are forced to evacuate their homes, making way for Israelis to take ownership of them. Therefore, Palestinians have no reason to negotiate for peace; they have nothing more to lose, they have already lost everything.       

Israelis fear of having to make any concessions concerning the occupied territories. To overcome this fear, the United States is ready to offer Israel written security guarantees to help re-start peace negotiations. The written offer would formalise understandings reached earlier last month between the two countries. It also includes providing Israel 20 F-35 stealth jets.       

PLO led Palestinian Authority is not in a strong position to bargain with Israel. Israel expects them to accept a sort of peace settlement without having to give up any territories. This is a sort of solution unacceptable even to Palestinian moderates such as PLO, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Israel regards Hamas, Hizbollah along with Iran and Syria as extremists or terrorists hell-bent on destroying Israel. Israel’s failure to reach a negotiated peace settlement with the moderates is blamed on the ‘extremists’. Israel continued to violate the Oslo Accords signed with the Palestinians in September 1993 and the agreement had been dead for more than a decade. The Israeli policy makers believe that an independent Palestinian state means the end of Israel.

Based on what the Zionists have done in the past, it could be said they are not interested in achieving a lasting peace but only want to buy time to continue their settlement construction in occupied Palestinian lands.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
2 December 2010, Thursday
26 Zulhijjah 1431

Somali pirates in Maldivian waters

Increasing number of Somali pirates in small boats continued to be seen within Maldivian territorial waters. Last Tuesday, a fishing vessel from the island of Thinadhoo chased a small dingy of Somali pirates for half an hour before capturing them. The three Somalis seen in the Maldives waters claimed they were fishermen who got drifted off while fishing.      

Since December 2009, 34 Somalis suspected to be pirates have been found and detained by the Maldives authorities. Their cases are being investigated with the help of marines from the US Pacific Command.

The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) officers who searched a small boat with seven Somalis near Fuvamulak found a bullet shell. The men who claimed to be drifting at sea for two months appeared to be strong and therefore had been handed over to the police for investigation.   

The MNDF has warned the local fisherman and others travelling by sea not to approach any unknown vessel or small boat in case they may turn out to be pirates. The locals are requested by the Maldives Coast Guard to report any suspicious activity at sea.    

At a news briefing the Coast Guard’s Director General, Brigadier Zakariyya Mansur has explained how the Somali pirates seize vessels at sea. Small boats with few men pretend to be drifting and in desperate need for help operate with light weaponry while a heavily armed larger vessel waits at a distance.

In most cases, the Somalis who claim to be fisherman drifting off at sea do not have any fish on board but they have enough provisions and fuel. They probably dispose of their weapons quickly and pretend they are in desperate need of help just to get away with their crimes.  

Maldives faces a huge maritime security threat as Somali pirates extend their activity further into the Indian Ocean.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
1 December 2010, Wednesday
25 Zulhijjah 1431

Palestinian boy used as a human shield

Majed Rabah, a nine year old Palestinian boy was held up at gun point by two Israeli soldiers and was forced to search bags for any hidden explosives. The incident which happened during the Gaza War in January 2009 left the boy badly traumatized. Majed, now 11, testified that members of the Israeli military stormed his block of flats, seized him by the collar and dragged him into a cellar. His mother, Afaf kept crying and begging the soldiers to spare her son’s life.  

Majed became very frightened and thought the soldiers would kill him. Though he tried to say something his voice did not come out and all of a sudden he wet his pants. The soldiers were pointing their guns directly at him. Speaking to Majed in Hebrew, a language he could not speak, the soldiers pointed at two bags located inside the toilet. He emptied the contents of the first bag on the floor.    

When Majed could not open the second bag, he was grabbed by the hair and slapped across the face by one of the soldiers. The cruel soldier then shot at the bag. The little boy thought the soldier shot at him and out of terror covered his face with his hands. 

The two cowardly soldiers who used the 9 year old boy as a human shield had been convicted after a closed military trial in Israel but escaped a three year jail sentence. Both soldiers were suspended for two years and were demoted from staff-sergeant to sergeant.  

In the Gaza War, Israel lost 13 people, most of them soldiers, whereas 1400 Palestinians (mostly women and children) got killed in the conflict which lasted for three weeks. However, Israeli war machine had to withdraw from Gaza without achieving any of its planned military objectives.       

This show trial held nearly two years after the incident was aimed to give the impression that Israel penalises its soldiers for breaking the rules of engagement. Following international criticism over Israel’s action during the Gaza offensive, the United Nations’ probe known as the Goldstone Report accused Israel of committing war crimes.   

Majed’s case was just one out of hundreds of such cases in which IDF soldiers committed war crimes during the onslaught on Gaza.    
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
30 November 2010, Tuesday
24 Zulhijjah 1431

Beware of Israeli eye surgeons!

Maldivians are not impressed with the news that a team of seven doctors from the Jewish state of Israel visiting this country to conduct eye surgeries at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital in Malé. The Israeli doctors and surgeons have become notorious for illegally harvesting organs from non-Jews around the world.      

Not long after the news of the horrible earthquake that struck Haiti, Israeli medical teams jumped on the scene to harvest organs from dead or injured Haitians. There have been various reports of allegations on the news media about Israeli medical teams working in disaster zones secretly stealing organs from fresh corpses.     

Organ harvesting is a long standing practice by Israeli medical establishment who profit from the criminal act or are rewarded in many ways.

Israel has secretly been removing body parts (including skin and bones) of Palestinians to be used on its injured soldiers and Jews who require surgical transplanting of organs.    

Salam, a West Bank-based Palestinian journalist who witnessed and observed the crimes of Israeli military stealing the bodies of dead or injured Palestinians from hospital emergency rooms, confirmed that IDF soldiers used to bury them in secret graves after extracting their organs. Salam who worked for 22 years amidst political persecution was one of the few writers to receive Hellman/Hammett Grant from Human Rights Watch as a recognition of her courage.  

Thousands of bodies, including people known to have been alive were transferred to Abu Kabir Forensic Institute near Tel Aviv, Israel’s only autopsy facility notorious for organ trafficking. Its chief pathologist, Dr Yehuda Hiss admitted stealing human organs but was never held accountable.     

In December 2009, Israel admitted that during 1990’s there had been illicit organ harvesting of skin, heart valves, corneas and bones from dead bodies of Palestinians, foreign workers and even Israeli soldiers. On 6 August 2010, the Ukrainian police arrested some Israelis on suspicion of selling human organs.  

In a document submitted to Geneva-Based United Nations Human Rights Council (March 2010), the International Organisation for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD), a Libyan founded NGO called for an international boycott of Israeli doctors and medical centres.  

The health authorities in Maldives have to take utmost caution in allowing Israeli medical surgeons into this country and Maldivians who apply for treatment from these doctors have to take precautionary measures to avoid any foul play.  

Based on Israel’s past records towards Palestinians, it is better for the Maldives to shun all medical aid from the Zionist regime.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
26 November 2010, Friday
20 Zulhijjah 1431

Thursday, September 29, 2011

IFM calls Maldives government to sever ties with Israel

The Islamic Foundation of the Maldives (IFM) has called on the Maldives government to break off all diplomatic ties with Israel, a day after Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) announced that a team of seven Israeli doctors representing Eye from Zion is due to arrive in the country to treat patients at the government hospital for a week.

The IFM requested the government to terminate all ties with Israel saying "we do not want any sort of assistance from Jews." more
25 November 2010

Pope justifies the use of condoms

In their efforts to increase Catholics around the world, the Vatican has opposed abortion and birth control for decades. In March 2009, while flying to Africa the Pope Benedict XVI made a statement saying that condoms would not solve the AIDS pandemic in the continent, instead the problem will get worse. The Pope’s statement drew unprecedented criticism from around the world, including the EU states and international organizations.  

However, the Pope, head of the Roman Catholics around the world who vigorously opposed the use of condoms has changed his stand by saying the use of condoms can be ‘justified in some cases’. In a book released recently the Pope said that it was acceptable for both male and female prostitutes seeking to prevent the spread of HIV to use condoms.   

The Pontiff’s statement could also mean the Church might consider legalising homosexuality and prostitution in ‘some cases’ in a near future.

Head of the US group, Catholics for Choice (CFC), Jon O’Brien who supports a woman’s moral and legal right to follow her conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health hailed the Pope’s statement as a marvellous victory for common sense and reason.        
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
25 November 2010
19 Zulhijjah 1431

Stop fabricating lies and defending war crimes!

Most Muslims have become victims of the global media controlled by Zionist extremists. The global media, which is under the influence of the Zionist lobbies continually downplay or ignore the suffering of the Palestinians. The conditions of the Palestinians are made to become worse by occupation forces that deny them food and medicine, raze their homes with the purpose of Judaising Palestine and destroying Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

It should be borne in mind that Palestinians remain deprived of their basic human rights and living under a brutal occupation, as such they have a legitimate right to fight for freedom. Anyone can see Palestinian and Lebanese resistant attacks are on legitimate Israeli military targets but all Israeli attacks and blockades are indiscriminate and deliberately target women and children, innocent civilians and civilian infrastructures.

It is misleading to believe that BBC is an independent and impartial public broadcaster. The BBC, including CNN and many other news organisations are instruments of Zionist propaganda. They defend Israel’s terrorism and illegal occupation of Palestinian land and are actively complicit in Zionist war crimes throughout the Middle East.   

On 9 June 2006, a barrage of Israeli artillery shells rained down on a crowded Gaza beach killed a family of seven Palestinians, among them three children.  The beach was packed with picnicking families enjoying on Friday, the explosions landed among them, scattering body parts along the sand dunes. The only survivor in the family was their young sister who was swimming at the moment.  

After the Israeli army murdered the Ghalia family and wounded many more Palestinians on that day, the BBC was the first Western media to defend Israel and volunteered to cover-up their crimes. The BBC while quoting Israeli Defence Minister Amir Peretz said Israel was not responsible for the blast that killed an entire Palestinian family enjoying a picnic on Gaza beach. Much of the Western media deliberately ignored the evidence on how the killings actually happened.      

The Jewish controlled Western media fabricated lies and played a warmongering role concerning a non-existent Iraqi weapons program. The end result of that was up to a million Iraqis, mostly women and children killed by US and British armies, and the total destruction of the Iraqi society.   

There are no less than 10,000 Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli jails. They include 132 Palestinian women, 388 children and a dozen of infants, separated from their mothers and kept under brutal conditions. They are subjected to torture, sexual abuse and denied a fair trial and human rights. Many of the prisoners were kidnapped from their homes at midnight and held without charge for years. The Western news media are not bothered to report on the conditions of any of these adducted Palestinians by Israel.

Israel never takes the precautions required of it in international law, including the Geneva Conventions to protect the civilian population and infrastructure. The Article 54 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions state clearly that “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited.” Also the Article 51 states that it is “prohibited to attack, destroy, remove or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population.” However, the above mentioned violations of the internationally accepted norms by Israel go unreported in the Western propagandist news media.     

The US led NATO forces attacked villages in Panjwai district west of Kandahar, Afghanistan as locals marked the end of Ramadan on 24 October 2006. More than 90 villages, among them women and children got killed when their homes, schools and other buildings were blown up. The Western news media reported that NATO forces killed 48 Taliban fighters who had taken civilians hostage and were using them as human shields. Later NATO forces admitted that they had in fact bombarded the villages with mortars, artillery and air strikes in a night raid. The truth of the massacre emerged only after local journalists and officials launched an investigation into the attack.     

Like in Afghanistan, many would still remember US and Western media claims during the Vietnam War in the 1960’s and 70’s. In January 1968, some 80,000 Vietcong guerillas launched the Tet Offensive against Saigon, then South Vietnam’s capital, now renamed as Ho Chi Minh City. Even after the US claimed that they have killed 20,000 Vietcong soldiers, the offensive continued. It was the late Robert F. Kennedy who boasted saying that for every Vietcong soldier killed four were wounded. If 20,000 Vietcong fighters had been killed, the other 60,000 must have been wounded. Nevertheless, the war continued unabated and Robert Kennedy was unable to explain who was doing the fighting. At the same time General Westmoreland continued to demand more troops saying “the enemy was on the rope and another 200,000 Guys would finish him off.” Apart from the finances, this would require a call up of the reserves, and the decision was delayed. When the decision was ultimately reached to deny the request, it represented a realisation that the war could not be won by military means.       

Though denied by the Western propagandist media a similar situation has arisen about the US war in Afghanistan. The Operation Moshtarak launched in February 2010 aimed to wipe out Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters from Helmand by December 2010. After which the US predicted that there would soon be peace and security in most areas of Afghanistan. The Operation was supposed to be the battle that would eliminate the last pockets of resistance by determined fighters resisting the US occupation of Afghanistan. However, its outcome has been less than satisfactory for the Americans and Taliban continues to grow more in strength. The US bombardments of the area were intense and villages were completely wiped out and scores of Afghan Muslims killed, but this was what the Western media calls “collateral damage.”         

Millions of Muslims around the world have been brainwashed by the Western propagandist media to believe that Zionists have the right to establish a Jewish state in the land of Palestine. The US and Israeli military machine threaten to bankrupt or destroy any Muslim state which does not comply its demands. Controlling the people’s belief systems around the world would only ensure the survival of Israel on the land of the Palestinians. The US and Israel would even look into the contents of the text books taught in the schools of Germany and Japan to ensure that their version of the history is taught concerning the World Wars I and II. Similarly, they peep into the books studied by Muslim children around the world and pressure the Muslim governments to change the school curriculum so as not to teach any elements of the truth about Palestine. One such example could be seen in the Maldives when in the late 1980’s, the Ministry of Education introduced a chapter on Palestine into the Religious Studies text book for grade seven students. The chapter clearly explained the British intrigue that created the Jewish state and the atrocities committed by Zionists. The education authorities even printed a supplementary map book about the history of Palestine for the students, showing how the first Arab settlers reached there before the advent of Abraham (AS) and the subsequent rise and fall of the empires that conquered Palestine. However, within a few years time the whole of the information about Palestine got disappeared from the student text books in Maldives.                  
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
23 November 2010
17 Zulhijja 1431

Israeli police demolish Sahwa Mosque

Zionist terror police have demolished a two-storey mosque in Rahet, a small Bedouin town in the south of occupied Palestine with a population of 45,000 people. It was knocked down in the early hours of the morning and during demolition 5000 Israeli police armed with riot gear surrounded the area to control the protesters. Police fired tear-gas and rubber bullets at protesters as a bulldozer tore down the mosque.

The Zionist police claimed that Sahwa mosque was built without any permission from the authorities and the court ruled the mosque constituted a blatant violation of the law.

Hours after the demolition, Palestinians conducted their prayers close to the site and residents began work to build the foundation for a new mosque.

Rahet, the town in the Negev desert was first occupied by the Zionist forces in 1948, since then the Palestinian residents have been forced to live without municipal services.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
10 November 2010, Wednesday
3 Zulhijja 1431

Ramses II: the Pharaoh of Moses

In my childhood days I used to hear the old and the elderly people in our neighbourhood discuss that Pharaoh’s body had been discovered in Egypt. Back then I had little or no knowledge about Islamic teachings and wondered how someone’s body that died thousands of years ago could remain intact.             

The body of the Pharaoh was only discovered in 1898 but the Quran was revealed nearly 1400 years ago from where we are now. It really was the dead body of Ramses II, the Egyptian Pharaoh (king) in the era of Prophet Moses (AS). Its age is approximately 3000 years old and it was found by the Red Sea, at the place called Jabalain but is now on display in the Royal Mummies Chamber of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

‘We brought the tribe of Israel across the sea and Pharaoh and his troops pursued them out of tyranny and enmity. Then when he was on the point of drowning, he (Pharaoh) said: “I believe that there is no god but Him in whom the tribe of Israel believes. I am one of the Muslims.” “What, now! When previously you rebelled and were one of the corrupters? Today We will preserve (save) your body so you can be a Sign for people who come after you. Surely many people are heedless of Our Signs.’ (Quran 10:90-92)

The last minute conversion of the arrogant Pharaoh who persecuted Israelite believers was not accepted. The most amazing thing with this dead body is that it is not a mummy. Scientists say that this dead body is amazingly preserved without any mummification; no inside organs have been removed. So what is the secret of such good preservation of this body? See the answer in the Glorious Quran where Allah Almighty says that Pharaohs body will be preserved as a warning for generations. It means his body will not decay.        

‘Today We will preserve your body so you can be a Sign for people who come after you.’ (Quran 10: 92)

Dr Maurice Bucaille was one of the top scientists of the world and the head of a group of physicians concerned on doing researches of the body in France in 1981. Ramses II was really old, perhaps was in his early 90’s when he died. He discovered traces of salt in the mummy’s respiratory system and concluded that most probably he died of drowning. Other examinations showed that Pharaoh’s body did not remain in the water for too long after drowning. After it was verified that the mummy in fact was the Pharaoh who rejected the message of Moses, the body was flown to major cities of the world for people to see. Later Dr Bucaille began working on Ramses II’s son Merneptah who probably was another witness to the deeds of Moses.        

Dr Maurice Bucaille was preparing a final report on what he believed to be a new discovery until he was told that Muslims knew about drowning of this mummy as it is mentioned in the Quran and it really was the tyrant who ruled Egypt during Moses’ time.  

It is almost impossible for a man to say accurately how a certain thing happened in the ancient past and make a connection with that thing to predict how it would be in the future. The Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) only repeats what he hears from Allah through the Archangel Gabriel. The Quran is the final Revelation sent down for mankind to follow until the Last Day.      
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
3 November 2010, Wednesday
26 Zulqaida 1431

Bishop Richard Williamson of Britain

In late 2008, Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson stunned the Jewish communities around the globe speaking to Swedish television claiming that no Jew was killed in the gas chambers by the Nazis during World War II.

Williamson not only caught the attention of the international media, but at the same time he started receiving continuous threats, condemnation and pressure from all around the world, mainly backed by the Jews and the Zionist state of Israel. World Jewish Congress (WJC) – an international organisation whose mission is to address the interests and needs of Jews – also played a vital role in campaigning against him.

As a punishment, Williamson was called on to retract his remarks and was also suspended from his official duties. Not only that, in April 2010 he was also convicted of Holocaust denial by a German court and was fined with €10,000.  

Williamson was born in Buckinghamshire, England on 8 March 1940. He is a Catholic and a bishop of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX).

This was not the first time Williamson denied Holocaust. In a speech delivered in Canada in 1989 he said “There was not one Jew killed by the gas chambers. It was all lies, lies, lies.”

“The Jews created the Holocaust so we would prostrate ourselves on our knees before them and approve of their new State of Israel.”

He has also described Jews as the enemies of Jesus Christ.

Many experts agree that Williamson bases his statements on facts, but many Muslim leaders and scholars are hesitant to speak against the legitimacy of the Zionist state of Israel. Williamson has said even though many people express the opinion that Israel is a legitimate state, it does not necessarily mean that it is true. Further, he has described Hamas and other Islamic groups in the Middle East as movements struggling for freedom.  

Williamson also shares many similar views upheld by Muslims around the world. He strongly opposes women wearing shorts and trousers, and performing the work designated to men. He also believes that the September 11, 2001 attacks were an inside job by the US administration.

WJC employs different methods both financially and technically to remove Williamson from his post in the church, but not much progress has been achieved so far to accomplish the goal.
Written by:Ibrahim Mohamed
1 November 2010, Monday
24 Zulqaida 1431

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The notorious act tarnishes Maldives image abroad

The European tourist couple who underwent a traditional Maldivian ceremony to renew their wedding vows at the Vilureef Beach and Spa Resort was subjected to the worst form of verbal abuse and insults by the man assigned to perform the ritual.    

The couple was unaware what was being said as the ceremony was conducted in Dhivehi, the local language. The whole thing was laid bare when a video of the ritual emerged in You Tube. Since then, the Maldives government fell under pressure to investigate the matter and arrest those responsible. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a formal apology to the Swiss couple concerned and offered compensation for the distress and embarrassment caused to them.    

President Mohamed Nasheed in his weekly radio address expressed regret and concern for the irresponsible behaviour of the resort staff involved in carrying out the disgraceful act.       

The Maldives tourism industry is being consulted by the government to rectify the situation and recover the damage that might bring to the country’s image abroad.

In the video that emerged, almost 15 people attending the ceremony stood outside the palm leaf enclosure, but none of them said anything to stop the abuse being hurled at the couple. According to the local custom, all marriages must be conducted in the presence of two male witnesses. The people surrounding the enclosure, including the two witnesses beside the couple neither laughed nor even reacted strangely to the insults being bombarded at the couple.   

The ‘Ghazi’ Hussein Didi was believed to have written and carefully memorised the words he uttered in a tone which appeared to be a form of religious chants or sermon. Someone, most probably the videographer was heard saying to ‘Ghazi’ to recite a certain line in the composed structure of words. This indicates that the whole outrageous act was pre-planned and they had been doing the same in the past. It was very unlikely that the resort management remained unaware of such bahaviour by its staff for so long.

Hussein Didi and some among those complicit in the act remain under police custody for investigation while the Maldives government battles with the fallout from the episode.       
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
30 October 2010, Saturday
22 Zulqaida 1431

Tariq Aziz sentenced to death by hanging

Tariq Aziz, the cigar wielding Christian politician, the right hand man of Saddam Hussein has been sentenced to death by Iraq’s high tribunal. The charges against 74 year old Tariq Aziz include a brutal crackdown on an uprising by Shia Muslims in the aftermath of the Gulf War.

Mr Aziz could be sent to the gallows within 30 days if his appeal has been turned down.  

Tariq Aziz’s lawyer says the sentence is invalid from both legal and ethical perspectives and he does not recognise the court because it sentenced Saddam Hussein to death.  

Analysts believe the timing of the sentence was aimed at diverting attention away from crimes committed by Iraqi and US forces that were outlined by WikiLeaks.

Tariq Aziz who suffered a stroke just prior to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 is in poor health. He turned himself in to US forces on April 25, 2003 and has been in their custody ever since. On March 11, 2009 an Iraqi court found him guilty of the July 1992 executions that killed 42 merchants handed him a 15-year sentence.

Tariq Aziz, the only Christian politician in Saddam’s cabinet, worked as foreign minister and deputy prime minister in the years of war with Iraq’s neighbours.  
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
27 October 2010, Wednesday
19 Zulqaida 1431

More hard times ahead for churches

The US financial problems are crippling a church building boom that began in the 1990s, when megachurches multiplied, turning many houses of worship into suburban social centers complete with bookstores, gyms and coffee bars. Lenders say mortgage applications are down, while some commercial lenders no longer see churches as a safe investment. Bank foreclosures on bankrupt churches go up as economy declines. Banks have no mercy during bad economic times, even on Christian places of worship.  

Churches were long considered good credit risks, weekly collections tend to be steady, even during recessions, and churches feel a moral tug to pay debts. But some churches, especially those not affiliated with major denominations, borrowed briskly to build or expand in recent years. The US Census showed spending on construction of houses of worship rose to $6.2 billion in 2007 from $3.8 billion in 1997. Now, churches are seeing adherents lose jobs and savings, as a result, church giving is down as much as 15% in some places.

Some lesbian groups in US have started to express their happiness about the financial troubles facing the churches saying they love to see churches go bankrupt.  They have begun to pass sarcastic remarks such as, “What’s the matter? How come Jesus didn’t provide you? Maybe God hates you?”  

Crystal Cathedral founder the Reverend Robert H. Schuller on Sunday tearfully begged his parishioners for help in overcoming the megachurch’s bankruptcy and tens of millions in debt. Schuller, 84, made the plea from the pulpit as he spoke publicly for the first time since the church filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

The Orange County based Crystal Cathedral megachurch, birthplace of the televangelist show "Hour of Power," once attracted viewers in 156 countries, filed for bankruptcy in Southern California after struggling to emerge from debt that exceeds $43 million.

In addition to a $36 million mortgage, the church owes $7.5 million to several hundred vendors for services ranging from advertising to the use of live animals in Easter and Christmas services.

The church, founded in the mid-1950s by the Rev. Robert H. Schuller Sr., has already ordered major layoffs, cut the number of stations airing the "Hour of Power" and sold property to stay afloat.

Most churches have become spiritually and morally bankrupt because they attempt to hide assets by filing for bankruptcy when faced with paying compensation to victims of sexual abuse by priests.       
Written by:Ibrahim Nazim
26 October 2010, Tuesday
18 Zulqaida 1431

Mayhem and chaos in France

The French state has mobilised all the forces of crowd control at its disposal as clashes between police and anti-government protesters turn ever more violent. In Paris, young anti-capitalist protesters attacked banks, smashed windows of public buildings, looted and burned vehicles in a show of anger against reforms to the country’s pension system.

Police arrested hundreds of people after these clashes which erupted when President Nicolas Sarkozy’s plans to raise the age of retirement from 60 to 62 provoked outrage from the country’s powerful unions. They are planning more peaceful but potentially more damaging protests in the days ahead. A campaign of strikes by truckers, rail workers and others is threatening to plunge the French industry into further chaos in the coming days.        

Lorry drivers have added their weight to the industrial mayhem gripping France by slowing down motorway traffic or by blocking key roads. Millions of people took to the streets in many cities across the country in a show of anger against the reforms they say unjustly penalise ordinary workers.   

After days of trouble and rail disruption, unions have tried to put pressure before the Senate met to decide on the government’s unpopular pension reforms. However, the Senate voted in favour of President Sarkozy’s controversial pension reform bill.  

The French unions show no signs of giving up further industrial action and have challenged a back to work order in court. Protests against the pension law have become the biggest challenge for the French President Sarkozy so far. His credibility is at stake on a reform he insists is essential to reduce France’s public deficit.
Written By: Ibrahim Nazim
24 October 2010, Sunday
16 Zulqaida 1431

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gilad Shalit: captured IDF soldier

More than 4 years have passed since Izzaddin al-Qassam, the armed wing of Hamas captured Gilad Shalit during a cross-border raid in June 2006. Shalit, a 19 year old Israeli conscript then, is believed to be held in a secret location in Gaza Strip. Last August, the British Foreign Office issued a statement saying Shalit’s detention is unjustifiable and unacceptable, and demanded his immediate and unconditional release.

Governments around the world are so worried about just one IDF (Israeli Defence Force) soldier being held under captivity while ignoring thousands of innocent Palestinian children who languish in Israeli jails. Should there be much to worry about just one soldier of a war mongering state being taken captive by the people they have oppressed for 62 years? Like the mother of Gilad Shalit, the parents of those children too are spending sleepless nights not knowing the fate of their beloved sons or daughters.  

A year after the capture of Gilad Shalit, Hamas released an emotional audio of him in which he called on his parents and the Israeli government to secure his release from the hands of Hamas. Shalit said in the audio, “I am the soldier Gilad, son of Noam Shalit, prisoner of Ctahb Alshahid Izzaddin al-Qassam. Mom and Dad, my sister and my brother, my friends in IDF, I’m sending you from inside the prison my warm regards and longing for all of you. I’ve been through an entire year inside the prison and still my health condition is getting worse and I need extended medical treatment. I’m sorry for the lack of interest of the Israeli Government and IDF to my situation and their lack of compliance to the demands of al-Qassam. It is obvious they have to comply to these demands so that I can be released from the prison and specially because I was in a military operation, caused by military instruction and wasn’t a drug dealer and like I have parents, mother and father, the thousands of Palestinian detainees also have mothers and fathers whose sons must be returned to them. I have a big hope that my government will be interested in me and comply with the demands of al-mujahedin. Corporal Gilad Shalit.”       

On 28 August, corresponding to Shalit’s birthday his family put up a protest tent not far from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's home in Jerusalem. Gilad Shalit’s mother, Aviva Shalit wrote to the wives of Ministers and the members of Knesset requesting to put pressure on Israeli Government to secure the release of her son. She said she has spent long difficult nights after Shalit was taken captive by Hamas. Aviva wrote to them, “Not to see, not to hug, not to hear, not to smell – to live in a big painful emptiness in our home in Mitzpe Hila, without holidays or special days. I ask you humbly, as a mother, sister, wife, human being – help me bring my son home."   

What Shalit’s mother does not realise is that Israel has turned Hamas controlled Gaza into a virtual prison and 1.5 million people still remain deprived of their basic necessities. In the winter of 2008-2009, Israel carried out an onslaught on Gaza which killed almost 1500 Palestinian civilians, among them many innocent women and children. All this was to put pressure on Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) to release Gilad Shalit and force them to submit themselves to Israel. So far, Israel has used all its military might to secure the release of Shalit but not all its means. Hamas regards Shalit as a significant bargaining chip to release one thousand Palestinians imprisoned by Israel. Israeli authorities are reluctant to accept that one IDF soldier is worth a thousand Palestinians they consider as terrorists.    

Hamas has produced several motion picture cartoons as a warning to Zionists about the dire consequences if Israel continues to refuse their demands. In one 3D animation, Gilad Shalit’s father walks on the streets of Israel and continually hears the promises of successive Israeli governments’ to secure the release of his son. After years he becomes old and weary and finally receives his son’s body in a coffin but he suddenly wakes up to find it was only a nightmare. The animation ends saying there is still hope.       
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
22 October 2010, Friday
14 Zulqaida 1431

Choose a non-smoker as marriage partner

Almost half the people who smoke regularly will eventually be killed by tobacco related illnesses. What is more terrible is that hundreds of thousands of people who have never smoked once before are also killed each year by passive smoking.    

In many countries, there has been a call for protection of non-smokers recently. The European countries are beginning to realise that the best and only solution for protecting non-smokers is to promote 100 percent smoke-free environments. The EU countries have begun to pass legislations to ban smoking in all public places, including cafes, open air restaurants, coffee shops etc. Any form of smoking while driving and walking along the road are also prohibited in many countries around the world. There is no hope such legislations could ever be passed to protect non-smokers in Maldives. It is so because cigarette and heroin addicts in this country have the power to influence any legislation that does not favour them. It seems that the streets in Malé are for spitting, smoking, throwing cigarette butts and empty bottles or packets.        

Tobacco smoke contains 4,000 different harmful chemicals. Nearly 250 of these are either carcinogenic or toxic. They range from the colourless and odourless poisonous carbon monoxide to hydrogen cyanide. Smoke coming from the tip of a burning cigarette actually contains higher concentrations of many of these compounds than the smoke inhaled by the smoker. Tobacco companies do not disclose the secrets involved in the production of cigarettes for fear of losing profit from the business.     

In most countries, much of the harm caused by secondhand smoking actually starts at home. Many people see their homes as the perfect place for smoking; therefore they unwittingly expose their families to the poisons carried in the smoke. However, even if you are able to create a smoke free home, you are not protected from secondhand smoking and the ash that comes to your face as long as you walk on the crowded streets of Malé. It often happens that students’ uniforms and skin get burned or hot ash from cigarettes land on their faces or hair.   

Children have a much weaker immune system compared to adults because their bodies are still developing. This makes them more vulnerable to the poisons in smoke than adults. Secondhand smoking can aggravate asthma and respiratory diseases as well as cause ear problems in young children.

According to research by experts, babies whose mothers have smoked during pregnancy are born with weaker lungs. This could increase the risk of many heart problems to such babies. These babies are also at a higher risk of dying from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) than babies not exposed to smoke.

A pregnant mother should not expose her unborn baby to the harmful toxins in smoke; the mother should also not be exposed to secondhand smoking during pregnancy. In addition to the harm it can cause, passive smoking is also known to cause a decrease in female fertility. Women married to smoking husbands have to be very careful because this makes harder for them to conceive a baby. Apart from the money wasted, the filthy odour of smoke in the smokers’ body and clothes too cause harm to others. 

A study conducted in the United States showed that secondhand smoke exposure can endanger pets as well. In the research, longer exposure to the smoke caused an increase in the likelihood of cats developing health complications.     
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
20 October 2010, Wednesday
12 Zulqaida 1431

The US has lost the war on terror

The US blitzkrieg to drive the Taliban from power in 2001 just cost the lives of 12 American soldiers and the so called ‘victory’ was achieved with relative ease. However, within 2-3 years time, gradually the Taliban regrouped and ever since the occupying US has faced a formidable resistance from the Islamic fighters. Despite 150,000 foreign troops occupying Afghanistan and an equal number of hired mercenaries, the US and its allies have found the going battle extremely difficult.     

General David Petraeus, the commander of US forces in Afghanistan has admitted that he was not fighting to win but only to avoid defeat. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have bankrupted the US, and the ongoing conflict is on the course to financially ruin NATO members fighting alongside the United States. The war costs the US approximately $100 billion a year which is about seven times Afghanistan’s annual gross domestic product of $14 billion and more than the cost of President Obama’s health-care plan.  

The US intelligence claims that there are only 400 al-Qaeda militants hiding in the Afghan-Pak border region, if so the US does not need to commit 100,000 troops to fight a ragtag band of al-Qaeda fighters. Instead more money, equipments and troops continue to be poured in just to defeat a bunch of al-Qaeda warriors.      

The US has completely failed to apprehend Usama bin Laden or to dismantle al-Qaeda. The most wanted man in the world, al-Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden still enjoys a safe haven somewhere in the world and continues to command the various al-Qaeda franchisees in Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and North Africa.         

Protecting the CIA-Pentagon run drugs trade in Afghanistan to finance the US led wars elsewhere is a top priority, as the Afghan drugs brings $50 billion a year. People around the world are brainwashed in believing that opium and heroin are financing world terrorism and the supply of weapons to Taliban is through drugs trade. However, billions of dollars worth heroin is shipped out of Afghanistan on rendition flights and American Global Hawk UAV aircrafts are used for distribution around the world.  

The United States has accumulated an external debt of some $14 trillion and an internal debt of another $38 trillion, indicating that it is the biggest debtor nation in the world. The US is heading towards a nightmare scenario and is no longer able to pay for the ongoing wars or for the rising number of unemployed in the country. The number of poor people in the US has risen to 44 million from 38 million two years ago. The US infrastructure is crumbling and there is no money to repair it. The US Federal Reserve Bank is a private institution owned and controlled by the Jews – continues to print dollars but this racketeering cannot go on forever. The economy has not rebounded; and the number of unemployed has not declined. The optimistic statements issued in the wake of the financial meltdown in October 2008 to bail out failing US banks and corporations have been exposed as fraudulent. The economic uncertainty has led to public anger which gave rise to the Tea Party movement with its lunatic jingoism. The movement is being craftily exploited by rightwing politicians for their narrow selfish ends.    

The US has entangled itself in a nightmare and the defeat in Afghanistan is inevitable. The US and NATO death tolls in the war on terror continues to rise and more obstacles lie ahead. The US and coalition forces have no other option but to withdraw from Afghanistan and when this happens, Afghanis would once again prove that their country, Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires.  
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
18 October 2010, Monday
10 Zulqaida 1431

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Driving over Palestinian boys

Yesterday, I came across some gruesome images published on Haveeru Daily – the largest circulating newspaper in Maldives – which showed an Israeli settler driving his car over Palestinian boys in Silwan on Friday.

The Zionist state’s propagandist newspaper Haaretz, reported David Be'eri, a known right-wing extremist and director of ‘City of David’, saying that he ‘accidentally’ hit the children with his car after they threw rocks at his vehicle.

When questioned by Israeli police Be'eri said he was in his car with his son as the Palestinian children hurled rocks at them, and out of fear, he tried to escape them in any way he could which made him accidently hit the children.

Be'eri’s fear threatened the lives of two Palestinian children: Imran Mansur, 11, and Iyad Gheit, 10, both sustained severe injuries and were rushed to Moqassed Hospital in East Jerusalem. The incident was filmed by journalists present at the scene.

This is not the first time a radical Jew has driven over Palestinian children. There have been many such incidents ignored or not reported by the media. So, how could anybody, especially the Palestinians believe that it was accidental?

Yousef Munayyer, Executive Director of the Palestine Centre confirms that Be'eri is an extremist settler leader who generally works to get rid of Palestinians by expanding his settlement onto Palestinian land.

Palestine Centre analysis for the past 18 month period shows that there have been 37 cases of vehicular assault on Palestinians in recent months which make it an average of 2 cases per month.

“About 40 percent of these instances took place in or around Hebron, another 16 percent occurred in the Bethlehem governorate, with the remaining attacks being divided more evenly among other areas,” said Munayyer.

The behaviour of Zionist Jews is not surprising. The Muslim Holy Scripture (Quran), revealed 1400 years ago includes Jews among those who bear great enmity towards Muslims.

Egyptian Cleric Muhammad Hussein Ya’qoub says "Jews are enemies not because they occupied Palestine. They would have been enemies even if they had never occupied a thing."

“Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans...” Quran 5:82.
Written by: Ibrahim Mohamed
12 October 2010, Tuesday
4 Zulqaida 1431

Saturday, September 24, 2011

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the sixth and current President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The son of a blacksmith, Ahmadinejad was born on 28 October 1956 in Garmsar, near Tehran. He holds a PhD in Traffic and Transport from Tehran's University of Science and Technology. By profession, he is an engineer and a teacher. 

Ahmadinejad became the President of Iran on 3 August 2005, and was re-elected in 2009 amid international criticism. The western media portrayed that his re-election has stirred Iran’s worst political unrest since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Ahmadinejad is a controversial figure internationally, but has gained popularity among his citizens because of his stand to continue Iran's nuclear energy program against the western criticism and the refusal to recognise Israel as a legitimate state.

Due to his courage shown against the United States and the Zionist regime, Ahmadinejad has received recognition among the Muslims all over the world including the Maldives. Many Muslims consider him as a hero who has the courage to speak on behalf of all the Muslims, against the US led pressure.  

He has repeatedly slated the Zionist state of Israel at international forums and in public rallies, and has openly called for an end to the apartheid Israeli state.  

Ahmadinejad rejected the Jewish version of the Holocaust and described it as a myth. In October 2005 he made a controversial statement, in which he envisaged the replacement of Zionist state of Israel with a Palestinian state. The western media interpreted the statement saying that he called to wipe off Israel from the world map.  

In an address to the United Nations last September, President Ahmadinejad said some segments within the US government orchestrated the 9/11 attacks to reverse the declining American economy and tighten its grips on the Middle East, in order also to save the Zionist regime. Ahmadinejad proposed that the United Nations set up an independent fact-finding commission to determine what happened on September11, 2001.   

Considering the divisions and current situation of Muslims around the world, Ahmadinejad is not in favour of military intervention against the Zionist state of Israel, saying instead Israel would vanish on its own.In his recent state visit to Lebanon, Ahmadinejad said the Zionist regime is sliding towards collapse, and no power on earth is capable of saving it. 

He is also an outspoken critic against veto power of the UN Security Council's five permanent members, calling to extend the same privilege to the Muslims, as the population of the Muslim world is more than 1.5 billion.  
Written by: Ibrahim Mohamed
16 October 2010, Saturday
8 Zulqaida 1431