Saturday, November 19, 2011

Government to remove SAARC monuments

Minister of Islamic Affairs, Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari has expressed his views on the controversial SAARC monuments and urged the government authorities to remove them saying many of the monuments depict symbols or slogans of idolatrous religions, something not permitted under recently enforced Religious Unity Regulations.

a SAARC monument
Mohamed Zuhair, the press secretary for President said that the government will respect Dr Bari’s decision and the matter will be forwarded to the President as soon as he returns to Office.

Former President Gayoom led Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and some pressure groups have expressed concern and anger over the SAARC monuments.

Protesters in Addu City have vandalised Pakistani and Sri Lankan monuments.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
17 November 2011, Thursday
21 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Petrol bomb explodes under minister’s car

Maldives police are investigating an incident of a petrol bomb exploding under Minister of Education Shifa Mohamed’s car when she visited Jamaaluddin School.

minister Shifa Mohamed
According to sub inspector of police Ahmed Shiyam, the car was parked inside school premises when the incident happened and another explosive device was blown up somewhere in the school ground.

Both the devices were believed to be home made petrol bombs thrown inside over the walls said Shiyam.

No one was injured in the incident. 
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
17 November 2011, Thursday
21 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Police arrest 10 people over Friday night protests

A protest march organised by PPM activists to condemn those responsible for erecting statues in Addu City ended with police intervening to arrest some people.

female riot police arresting a woman
The protesters called on the government to destroy the SAARC monuments depicting idols and idol worship in Addu City.

The protesters gathered at Artificial Beach area began to march towards the Presidential Palace when police in riot gear stopped them.

Police media official Ahmed Shiyam said all those arrested on the night have been released.

Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
17 November 2011, Thursday
21 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

MIRA receives Rf298 million in October

Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) statistics shows the receipt of more than Rf298 million in October this year. Statistics published by the authority shows that each month the state collects millions of Rufiyaa through MIRA. The revenue department receives money in the form of rent, fine and tax, and until the end of October this year, the department has collected Rf3.7 billion. This amount is an 80 percent increase compared to last year.

Most of the money the revenue department receives comes from travel and tourism, services or businesses related to tourism or T-GST. The receipt from T-GST for the past ten months amounts to Rf 166 million. Apart from T-GST, the largest amount of revenue is generated from tourism lease rent, which amounted to Rf978 million for the past ten months. 
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
16 November 2011, Wednesday
20 Thw al-Hijjah 1432   

Pension fund to buy Rf100 million worth Dhiraagu shares

Maldives Pension Administration has decided to buy shares equivalent to Rf100 million from Dhiraagu, with a hope to provide an additional gain for pensioners.    

In a press briefing held at pension office, the CEO Mohamed Hussein Manik said the move was made because the law on pension scheme permits pensioners money to be invested and the changes made to regulations concerning pension deposits. The CEO said Dhiraagu was chosen to invest because the company is more reliable and continues to make profit.

The pension authority hopes that a gain between 8-11 percent can be made from the investment shares. A total of 1 percent from the profit will be employed for administration costs as the current costs for pension administration is borne by the state.

More than 80,000 people working in public and private companies have registered themselves in Maldives Retirement Pension Scheme so far. People over 65 years of age are to receive a particular monthly amount of money from the pension scheme.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
16 November 2011, Wednesday
20 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

STO needs a flour importer

State Trading Organisation Plc (STO) announced the company seeks an importer to bring in 3000 metric tons of flour into the country. STO also said the opportunity to import the required amount of flour is open to both local and foreign bidders.

The bid document is on sale at a price of US$150 each and the bidding will open on November 27.

STO provides a list of countries from which flour can be imported, they include the United States, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Canada, Turkey, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, European Union and South American countries.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
16 November 2011, Wednesday
20 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Rf750 million spent on Addu City this year

Speaking to the press, President Mohamed Nasheed said approximately Rf750 million has been spent to prepare Addu City for the SAARC Summit and a number of other development projects carried out this year, including road construction, harbour development, drainage installation, school and airport development.  

The newly built Equatorial Convention Centre for SAARC Summit cost Rf130 million while renovations carried out at Gan Airport cost almost Rf40 million.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
15 November 2011, Tuesday
19 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

IGMH introduces triage system

In a press statement released today, Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), the largest hospital in Maldives announced the introduction of a triage system for patients who require urgent care.

The new system will give determine priority among patients requiring emergency treatment as they wait to check blood pressure, oxygen levels and heart rate in the room provided.   

The new regulations are introduced because patients who do not require urgent medical attention continue to be treated at emergency care unit.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
15 November 2011, Tuesday
19 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

MRC becomes an official member of IFRC

Maldivian Red Crescent (MRC) has been awarded official membership of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies (IFRC) as 187th national society after International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) accepted the organisation as a national society.

IFRC will officially declare the membership of the Maldivian Red Crescent at the 18th general assembly to be held in Geneva, Switzerland on November 23.

A team from IFRC and ICRC visited the Maldives on September to analyse the workings of the organisation after MRC applied for the membership last year.

The Red Cross society of China has donated Rf3.6 million to Maldivian Red Crescent recently to expand the works carried out in the islands.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
15 November 2011, Tuesday
19 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Friday, November 18, 2011

Two mosques to be built in Haa Dhaal Atoll

State Minister for Housing and Environment Akram Kamaaluddin handed Rf8.3 million to Maris Construction Company to build two mosques in Haa Dhaal Kumundhoo and Makunudhoo.

In a meeting held in his office, Akram Kamaaluddin said each mosque would cost Rf4.1 million and could accommodate 704 worshippers.

The single-storeyed mosques also will have 12.5 metre tall minarets and will be finished within a 10 month period.  

The mosques are designed in a way to reduce electricity and maintenance costs.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
14 November 2011, Monday
18 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Two more buildings to be constructed to expand Thaajuddin School

In a ceremony held his office, State Minister for Housing and Environment Akram Kamaaluddin said Thaajuddin School faced shortage of space and needs expansion to cope with the increasing number of students. 

Out of the proposed two buildings, a five-storey and a three-storey building will be constructed to turn Thaajuddin School into a single session school. The two buildings are expected to finish within 10 months.

State Minister Akram Kamaaluddin also said Rf12.3 million has been handed to Vimla Construction & Trade for the project.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
14 November 2011, Monday
18 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Pakistani monument burnt down

Some protesters set ablaze the Pakistani monument erected for the SAARC leaders’ summit in Addu City. The protesters demanded that the monument be removed as it featured ‘idols and objects of worship’ something which is not allowed under Maldivian law.

Ahmed Shiyam, sub-inspector of police confirmed that the incident occurred before dawn and the protesters escaped before police arrived at the scene.

Meanwhile, two young men who toppled the monument in an earlier protest led by members of opposition parties last Wednesday still remain in police custody, facing charges of vandalism.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
14 November 2011, Monday
18 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

PPM calls to free those who pulled down monument

The Progressive Party of Maldives led by former President Gayoom said they were preparing to fight a legal battle to free the two men accused of toppling the Pakistani monument put up for the SAARC summit.

PPM council member Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim told journalists today that the police illegally arrested the accused individuals.

Most people believed the Pakistani and Sri Lankan monuments put up for the SAARC heads of state meeting in Addu City were statues or idols which was something unlawful to display on lands inhabited by Muslims.

Increasing public anger made the city council in Addu to temporarily remove the monument, but after it was placed again people began to advise the authorities to remove them permanently, as the law 6/94 and the current Religious Unity Regulations never permit such things.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
13 November 2011, Sunday
17 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Maldivians to travel Minicoy without visa

India agreed to allow Maldivians to travel directly to Minicoy without visa under the bilateral agreements signed during the immediate aftermath of the SAARC summit.

The Framework Agreement on Cooperation for Development signed between the two countries requires India to abolish the current policy, which makes it necessary for Maldivians to obtain visa before travelling to Minicoy.  

The agreement also includes an article on establishing a transport network between the Maldives and Minicoy to carry passengers and goods.

The people of Maldives and Minicoy share the same language, Islamic traditions and culture since time immemorial.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
13 November 2011, Sunday
17 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Rf200 million spent for SAARC summit

The Maldives government spent about Rf200 million for the SAARC summit out of the Rf231 million budget approved by the parliament for the preparations.

The press secretary at President’s office Mohamed Zuhair said Rf150 million was spent for the construction of the Equatorial Convention Centre in Hithadhoo.

Zuhair noted that the costs decreased significantly due to the assistance provided by Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and China.

Some road building projects still remains to be completed in Hithadhoo and Feydhoo and also harbour work at Gan still continues to allow large cargo ships to anchor on the island.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
13 November 2011, Sunday
17 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

DRP leader meets Indian Prime Minister

The opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali paid a courtesy visit to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

PM Singh met Thasmeen Ali at Kurumba Maldives Resort and discussed about the bilateral relations between both countries and the challenges faced by Maldives to strengthen democracy.

DRP deputy leader Ahmed Mohamed and the deputy head of the party’s parliamentary group also took part in the meeting.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
12 November 2011, Saturday
16 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Indian Prime Minister addresses Maldives parliament

The Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh became the first foreign dignitary to address the Maldives Parliament when he spoke this morning to announce India’s commitment to support Maldives.

Prime Minister Singh expressed his gratitude to the MPs for giving him the opportunity to address the People’s Majlis. He also announced that the speaker of Indian Parliament would visit Maldives on the invitation of People’s Majlis speaker Abdulla Shahid.

Prime Minister Singh also said that India would assist Maldives in achieving its aim to become a carbon neutral country.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
12 November 2011, Saturday
16 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

US$100 million loan agreement signed

In a ceremony held at President’s Office, India signed an agreement to grant Maldives US$100 million (Rf1.5 billion) to settle treasury bonds.  

Prior to the signing, US$30 million of the credit facility was issued on October 31 by the Indian government.

The permanent secretary at the Maldivian Foreign Ministry Mohamed Naseer and India’s Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai signed the agreement at the presence of President Mohamed Nasheed and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Apart from the loan agreement, five agreements were signed between the two countries; they were a prisoner transfer agreement, framework agreement on cooperation for development, agreement on renovation of Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), a counter-terrorism agreement and an agreement on collaborative projects between 2012-2015.

The two leaders also announced their shared interest in opening ferry services between the two countries.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
12 November 2011, Saturday
16 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Saturday, November 12, 2011

PPM activists gather near Presidential residence

A group of PPM activists gathered near Muleeaage to express dissatisfaction over what they say government’s irreligious or anti-Islamic practices.

Muleeaage, presidential palace
The police dispersed protesters with tear gas and arrested three people on the scene.

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) is led by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
11 November 2011, Friday
15 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Almost 100,000 expatriate workers in Maldives

Maldives immigration authorities have revealed that the expatriate population in the Maldives would officially reach 100,000 this year, and illegal immigrant workers cost almost US$ 8 million annual loss to Maldives economy.    

Bangladeshi labourers in Male
When speaking to a Bangladesh news newspaper early this year, Maldives foreign minister Ahmed Naseem said some 50,000 Bangladeshis now work in the Maldives, with one-third having no valid registration.     

In the SAARC leaders’ summit just ended, Maldives and Bangladesh agreed to sign a labour agreement in order to resolve the issue of illegal expatriates in the country.

Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
11 November 2011, Friday
15 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

SAARC leaders sign four agreements and adopt 20 article declaration

South Asian foreign ministers signed four agreements and adopted a 20 article declaration today at the concluding session of the 17th SAARC Summit held at Addu City, Maldives.

inaugural session of SAARC Summit in Maldives
The agreements included SAARC Agreement on Rapid Response to Natural Disasters, SAARC Agreement on Multilateral Arrangement on Recognition of Conformity Assessment, SAARC Agreement on Implementation of Regional Standards and SAARC Seed Bank Agreement.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai did not attend the closing session of the summit due to reports of an approaching blizzard and bad weather in his country.

South Asian heads of state attending the summit were President Mohamed Nasheed of Maldives, Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bhutanese Prime Minister Jigme Yoser Thinley, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Nepali Prime Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai, Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The South Asian leaders declared to intensify efforts to fully and effectively implement South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA).

All the observer states delivered their statements at the summit’s closing session this afternoon. The observers included Australia, Burma, China, European Union, Iran, Japan, Mauritius, South Korea and the United States.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
11 November 2011, Friday
15 Thw al-Hijjah 1432 

Opposition parties warn the government over un-Islamic slogans

Five opposition parties held a press conference to warn the government not to put up statues or monuments, banners and posters which violates the religious sentiments of the Maldivian people.

members of opposition
The opposition parties in the news briefing included Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), Adhaalath Party, Jumhooree Party and Dhivehi Gaumee Party.  

The five opposition parties called on the government to dismantle the statues, banners and posters put up in parts of Addu City to promote SAARC summit. 

Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
10 November 2011, Thursday
14 Thw al-Hijjah 1432 

Police arrest 80 people trying to get into airport

The Maldives police intercepted two boats in the sea containing some 80 people who were trying to land on the airport island near MalĂ©. The people onboard were planning to stage a protest at airport and remove certain banners or posters put up to promote SAARC summit which depicted Jesus.   

two boats intercepted
The protesters say that under Religious Unity Regulations it was illegal to propagate any other religion in Maldives except Islam.

The protesters were led by opposition PPM Member of Parliament Ahmed Mahlouf and Ali Arif, another MP. Both were handcuffed and taken to the prison island of Dhoonidhoo in the early hours of the night. Later, all those arrested were released in the morning.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
10 November 2011, Thursday
14 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Police begin investigation about the bones

The Maldives police have begun investigation on the human bones discovered in the ground north of Kudakudhinge Hiyaa or Children’s Shelter in VilimalĂ©. The centre is tasked with taking on parental roles for over 60 children. The bones were found when parts of the ground were dug to build a new preschool in the island.

bones found in Vilimale
Prior to the police handling of the case, critics have expressed concern saying the police will not be bothered to investigate concerning the discovery of those human bones.

Ahmed Shiyam, the police media official said a forensic team was sent to the scene to collect samples required for investigation.

Two of the opposition parties, Adhalat Party and Progressive Party of Maldives accused authorities of ignoring the bones and called the police to investigate the matter. The bones were believed to have belonged to three adult males and according to construction workers who carried out the digging more bones were likely to be discovered in the area.

Before VilimalĂ© became inhabited, the island was used as a prison for political prisoners until late 1970’s.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
10 November 2011, Thursday
14 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Forty million Rufiya to upgrade Gan airport

Lots of infrastructure building projects, including roads and harbour building have been carried out in Addu City to host the summit meeting of South Asian leaders.

flight approaches Gan
‘Almost 40 million Rufiya has been spent to upgrade Gan airport for the upcoming SAARC heads of state summit’ says Mohamed Didi, the managing director of Gan Airport Company Limited (GACL). ‘The financiers initially budgeted 30 million Rufiya for the project, but the latest estimate suggests the cost involves almost 40 million Rufiya’ said Didi.     

Gan airport renovations were financed by GACL and Addu International Airport Company Limited, the company first created to run the airport.

Gan airport will specially be utilised for flight operations related to SAARC summit and newly built duty free shops have been opened to passengers.  

The nearby tourist resorts too have been booked for the South Asian heads of states and the delegations of their governments.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
9 November 2011, Wednesday
13 Thw al-Hijjah 1432 

Newly built Fua Mulaku airport begins operations

Island Aviation Services (IAS) is set to begin Scheduled flights to Fua Mulaku airport starting from next Friday. After the opening flight on Friday (11/11/2011), the ‘Maldivian’ will carry passengers to Fua Mulaku four times a week.    

test flight landing at Fua Mulaku
Ali Nashaat, the head of IAS administration says an up and down ticket to Fua Mulaku will cost Mrf 3194/-, the cost includes insurance, fuel surcharge and tax.     

The main contractors of Fua Mulaku airport include State Trading Organisation Plc, Platinum Capital Holding and Amin Construction Private Ltd.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
9 November 2011, Wednesday
13 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Chinese embassy opens in Malé

After decades of diplomatic relations, China has finally established an embassy in the capital MalĂ© yesterday, coinciding with the SAARC summit in Maldives.  

India, China’s rival power views with alarm all diplomatic or military moves by China in South Asia. 
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
9 November 2011, Wednesday
13 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Trade and livelihood are the main issues

flags of 8 SAARC countries
The SAARC leaders meeting in the Maldives will focus on trade and livelihood issues facing the region, natural resources, and rebuilding the labour movement in the region. Many other major concerns and topics to be discussed include people’s movements, discrimination, oppression, intolerance, syncretism, demilitarisation and nuclear disarmament.  

A meeting between the prime ministers of India and Pakistan, the two nuclear armed rival neighbours has been finalised on the sidelines of the summit and will take place on 11 November 2011.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
8 November 2011, Tuesday
12 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Leaders of SAARC countries begin arriving

Nasheed and Rajapaksa
Leaders of SAARC countries have begun arriving in the Maldives for the 17th summit conference of the South Asia region. The heads of state from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are to arrive in Maldives soon for the summit which officially begins on 10th November 2011.   

Ministers from Australia, Japan and China will join the Summit as observers.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
8 November 2010, Tuesday
12 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Authorised personnel can only enter Gan

The Maldives police announced that Gan Island in Addu city will remain out of bounds for unauthorised personnel starting from 8 November until South Asian heads of state summit meeting comes to a close on 12 November 2011.

police investigating
The South Asian leaders will start arriving on the eight of this month and for security needs people working in Gan and those with special permits will only be allowed to enter Gan Island. Among those allowed to enter Gan include passengers travelling through Gan International Airport.

The Maldives police expressed satisfaction for the public support they continue to receive in granting maximum security to SAARC heads of states and various delegations.  

The police have put up check points and road blocks on other islands linked to Gan Island and the whole area is under round-the-clock surveillance. 

The regional group known as South Asian Association for Regional Cooporation (SAARC) has a total of 8 member states, including Maldives.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
8 November 2011, Tuesday
12 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sexual abuse, lesbianism and suffering in the convent

Sister Jesme, a former nun who spent 30 years in a convent has released an autobiography named 'Amen' which is selling like hot cakes in Kerala, India. In the book released earlier this year she has detailed sexual harassment, bullying and lesbianism within the convent walls that remain hidden from the public. However, the spokesperson for the Syro-Malabar order of the Catholic Church, Dr. Paul Thelakkat denies all such allegations saying the book exaggerates trivial matters.  

Roman Catholic nuns in India
“It is not my intention to make this book controversial. I just want to express my feelings and explain what happened to me”, says Sister Jesme, “…I want people to know how I have suffered. People say that everything is fine, but I was in the convent and I think people have the right to know what goes on. I have concerns for others.” 

Sister Jesme says when she became a nun she was astonished to discover that priests were forcing novices to have sex with them. There had been secret homosexual relationships among nuns. At one point she was forced into such a relationship by another nun who told her she preferred this kind of sexual gratification as it ruled out the possibility of pregnancy. 

She says in the book that once she travelled to Bangalore on a mission and was made to stay with a purportedly pious priest who took her to a garden. “He showed me several pairs cuddling behind trees and gave me a sermon on the necessity of physical love. He also described several illicit affairs that certain bishops and priests have had. After that he took me to his home, stripped off his clothes and ordered me to do the same.” 

She also alleges that the novices were severely punished for even minor transgressions, and the senior staff turned a blind eye to the actions of more ‘experienced’ nuns. She was not even allowed to go home after she was informed that her father had died. She was given a moment to see the body of her father barely 15 minutes before the funeral. She was told by her superiors that the then senior sisters were not even lucky enough to see the bodies of their parents.

Sister Jesme who resigned from the post of principal at a Catholic college in Thrissur last year says the senior nuns tried to commit her to a mental institution after she spoke against them. She claimed convents had become houses of ‘torture’ saying the mental pressure was unbearable. Sister Jesme says, “When I questioned the Church’s stand on self-financing colleges and certain other issues, they accused me of having mental problems. Once they sent me to a psychiatrist. Still there are many nuns undergoing ill-treatment from the order, but they are afraid to speak out. The church is a formidable fortress.” 

These allegations are not the only controversy to rock the Catholic Church in Kerala. Reports suggest there have been a number of suicides by young nuns. Last summer, a 23 year old novice committed suicide and left a note saying she had been harassed by her Mother Superior. In November 2008, the police in Kerala arrested two priests in connection with the rape and killing of Sister Abhaya. In 1992, the 16 year old Abhaya was found dead in a well within the convent walls.  

Reference:    1. The Independent 
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
1 December 2009, Tuesday
14 Thw al-Hijjah 1430

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rape and sexual abuse by Anglican priests

The following piece of writing describes how the rampant moral degeneration in western societies ruin innocent girls’ lives and reveals the dark secrets of sexual abuse by Anglican clergymen.

clergy abuse has plagued most churches
Here goes the story of Sonya Brown from England who as a child was sexually abused by her father. Some three years ago she started getting flashbacks and became mentally ill. She was so severely depressed that she had to be referred to a psychiatric day hospital. She believed the chaplain (priest) would offer her a spiritual refuge from her ordeals. But later she found out that his support soon turned into a fresh bout of sexual exploitation. The clergyman raped her on three occasions: in his office, at home and in the toilet.       

The dog collar supposed to be a symbol of trust and moral rectitude, but for Sonya Brown it now has an opposite impression. When Sonya first began visiting the hospital chaplain for counselling she felt secure. ‘The collar gave me a feeling of protection and safety’, she said. Nevertheless, according to her distressing account, at one session, ‘I was extremely upset and very depressed. He got off his chair and knelt down before me. He offered me his handkerchief while trying to comfort me. He put his arms around me, cuddled me, kissed me, then squeezed my breasts and put his hands between my legs. I felt confused, disorientated, upset and ran out of the room in tears.’  

Despite that, Sonya says she continued to see the chaplain, as she desperately depended on his support. However, one afternoon when no one was around, he visited her at home and forced her to have sex with him. A week later, the constant feeling of guilt made her realise that she had made a terrible mistake. But, in a state of severe depression, she felt powerless.   

Sonya claims that the chaplain brutally raped her in a toilet at a cemetery where she had gone to visit her sister’s grave. ‘I became very grieved and went to the toilet in a very distressed state. The chaplain followed me into the toilet. All of a sudden the door was closed and locked. 

‘My trousers were pulled down and he started touching me. I said, ‘No, please leave me alone and get out.’ He just laughed, turned me round and pushed me against the door. He put his arm across my neck as if trying to suffocate me. I couldn’t scream or shout. Then he raped me. I felt sick, confused and terrified. I prayed somebody would come into the toilets – somebody, anybody but nobody did.   

Sonya accuses the chaplain of repeatedly raping her while she slept at home. However, she dared not tell anyone about it for fear of tarnishing the image of “a man ordained by God to cure her.” No matter she remained badly traumatised in the days that came she must not displease the ‘man of God.’ Sonya says, ‘He repeatedly told me it was a moving-on process. He told me constantly not to tell anyone, or he could lose his priesthood. He threatened to tell my family, and most of all that no body would believe me. He kept telling me it was our secret. I was terrified and kept my mouth shut until the day I felt like committing suicide and reported the incident to another counsellor.’

The hospital held an internal investigation and the chaplain’s ministry was informed. But it was the chaplain’s word against Sonya’s, and the hospital authority took his. He still works there and is allowed on home visits to other vulnerable girls.

The above mentioned incident is just one out of hundreds of sexual abuse scandals engulfing the Anglican Church today. Many young girls said they believed they had been ‘groomed’ by Anglican clerics just as a paedophile prepares his victims before preying on.          

In 2003, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams faced questions over his role in helping a priest who sexually assaulted a female vicar to find another job and get way with his crime. Still there are hundreds of child molestation and other forms of sexual abuse cases pending over churchmen of all denominations. This involves the Church of England, the Catholic Church with the rest spread across Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians.  

The Church of England remains in turmoil over the sexuality of its bishops. Homosexual Anglican bishop, the Diocese of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church in USA, Gene Robinson is the central figure in the gay clergy controversy that has rocked the worldwide Anglican community. As a consequence, many previously devout Anglicans have lost confidence in the Anglican Church in general. The prime example is the former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair who converted from Anglicanism to Roman Catholicism. This action of Blair after he left Office created such uproar that many hardcore Anglicans accused him of treachery and treason. Some Anglicans have gone further to label him to be the Anti-Christ who would appear nearing the End Times.                 

The Ordination of women both as bishops and priests have started in many Anglican provinces around the world. The Church of England authorised the ordination of women priests in 1992 and began ordaining them in 1994. Many adherents of Anglicanism believe that the measure was taken to rid the Anglican Church of the problem of sexual abuse by the male clergy which are plaguing the Church in recent years.         

Reference:  1.TheObserver
                    2. The Guardian
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
2 December 2009, Wednesday
15 Thw al-Hijjah 1430

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rape and sexual abuse by priests

What you are about to read will probably be upsetting to most of you. You have to keep in mind that these people who sexually abuse minors are not vague Satanists, Mafia kingpins, heroine addicts or members of Gay and Lesbian Associations. They are the same moral leaders who scream from their pulpits about the evils of promiscuity, homosexuality and fornication. One of the worst artifacts of modern Christendom to face humanity in contemporary times is the increase in clergy sexual abuse.

The problem of Christian clergy child sexual abuse is so epidemic in westernised societies that priesthood has been stereotyped as paedophilia. It is not limited to one particular brand name of Christianity. The amazing thing is the Christian clergy does provide a safe heaven for paedophiles. Apart from being privately rebuked and quietly moved to another location, the clerics are allowed to continue their preaching.

As a child Patricia Stevens dreamt of being ordained as a minister. Fifteen years later, as a postgraduate student of theology at Cambridge, she was close to fulfilling that ambition. She was sent on work experience to preach at a large church in London where she was sexually abused and raped by the senior priest supervising her.

As a student minister, Patricia Stevens firmly believed in not having sex outside marriage. She recalls how the priest told her that she would never understand the love of God unless she had sex with a man. Patricia says that on one occasion when no one was around, she was forced to have sex with him. 'He told me it was God's will to have sex with me, and when I turned him down, I wasn't obedient to God. He told me to stop struggling and overpowered me. I cried when he wouldn't stop and the more I begged him to leave me alone the more aggressive he became.'

The priest told Patricia that she should not tell anything to anyone. It was the thing that God wanted and He would be pleased with her. Though the abuse happened a number of years ago, Patricia recently attempted to commit suicide several times because she still cannot come to terms with what happened. Her hope of getting justice from the church authorities got dashed when the priest denied rape. He was asked to move parishes but allowed to go on preaching.

Dr. Tanya Jenkins, a woman priest remains devastated three years after she was sexually assaulted by Canon Geoffrey Hewitt of Bangor Cathedral. The incident happened when Jenkins invited him for a coffee at her home after a funeral. It emerged when officials received another complaint from a worker saying that Hewitt had patted her bottom and emailed lewd poems to her.

Hewitt admitted both counts of sexual harassment at a Church tribunal, but was allowed to keep his job. However his parishioners refused to have him back and he was forced to seek another parish.

In 2003, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams faced questions over his role in helping Hewitt to get away with his crime of sexual assault. Britain's leading investigator of sexual abuse in the Church is Margaret Kennedy who is a pioneer in raising the issue of child abuse. She has worked very hard in raising the issue of child abuse in the Roman Catholic and other Christian Churches. Margaret described the scandal involving Rowan Williams as shocking and deplorable. Margaret Kennedy believes that this is just the tip of iceberg. She says there are hundreds of frightened women who are too ashamed to deal with the situation they find themselves in. Many girls have been left in a poor mental state, while the clergymen are rebuked privately and moved on. Most often their victims are left isolated in communities unable to face the idea how a man of God could do something so wrong. As the row over homosexual bishops continues to rock the Church of England, the revelations of sexual abuse threaten to plunge the Church further into crisis.

In a shocking documentary screened by the BBC named 'Sex Crimes and the Vatican' the Pope Benedict XVI played a key role in a systematic cover-up of child sex abuse by Roman Catholic priests. The Pontiff then was Cardinal Thomas Ratzinger when he issued a secret Vatican edict to Catholic bishops all over the world, instructing them to put the Church's interests ahead of child safety. The document urged that victims and witnesses must be silenced by threatening them of being excommunicated if they continued to repeat the allegations.

In July 2008, the Pope Benedict XVI, before a huge congregation assembled in Sydney's St. Mary's Cathedral made a historic full apology for child sex abuse by the Catholic priests and clergymen. The Pope also called for compensation and demanded punishment for those guilty of the evil.

Many cases of abuse show how the clerics use religion and their position of authority to coerce young women into sex, saying things like, 'God wants you to love me,' and 'concubines were biblical'. In one instance, it is claimed that a clergyman told a girl: 'God has made you beautiful so you can fulfill the desires of Christian men.'

In the last few years, there are over 200,000 cases of clergy abuse in the United States every year. No Christian church is exempt from physical and sexual abuse of children by churchmen. The claims that 'my church has no such problems' are always proven false in time.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
8 January 2010, Friday
22 MuHarram 1431

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mujahid: Saud ibn Abi Waqqas

Saud ibn Abi Waqqas was one of the first to accept Islam. He was among the most important Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). When Saud’s mother heard the news that he had accepted Islam, she came up to him and said, "O Saud! What is this religion that you have embraced which has taken you away from the religion of your mother and father…?" 

Muslims in battle
Saud’s mother threatened to die of hunger unless he reverted back to polytheism. It was then the Qur’anic verses in Sura 31:14-15 were revealed to the Prophet (PBUH).      

Saud went and said to her, “O mother! In spite of my strong love for you, my love for Allah and His Messenger is indeed stronger. By Allah, if you had a thousand souls and each one departs one after another, I would not abandon this religion for anything.” When she saw Saud’s determination not to abandon Islam, she relented unwillingly and began to eat and drink.

In the early days of Islam, the Muslims were on their way to the hills of Mecca to meet the Messenger in secret. A group of idolaters observed them and began to fight them. Saud beat one of them on the head with an animal bone and so the first blood was shed in the defense of Islam.    

Saud migrated to Medina along with other first converts to Islam. He fought at the Battle of Badr, the first battle of Muslims against the polytheists.

At the Battle of Uhud, Saud was chosen as an archer together with Zayd. Saud was among those who fought in defense of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) after some Muslims had deserted their positions. Saud was one of the ten who received the glad tidings of Paradise.

During Umar’s Caliphate, Saud was the commander of the Muslim forces that waged war with the Persian Empire. The Battle of al-Qadisiyyah was regarded as the decisive battle in the Islamic Conquest of Persia.  

Saud was appointed as governor of Kufa and Nejd by the Caliph Omar and later by Othman (May Allah be pleased with them).
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
22 December 2009, Tuesday
5 MuHarram 1431