Friday, November 18, 2011

PPM calls to free those who pulled down monument

The Progressive Party of Maldives led by former President Gayoom said they were preparing to fight a legal battle to free the two men accused of toppling the Pakistani monument put up for the SAARC summit.

PPM council member Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim told journalists today that the police illegally arrested the accused individuals.

Most people believed the Pakistani and Sri Lankan monuments put up for the SAARC heads of state meeting in Addu City were statues or idols which was something unlawful to display on lands inhabited by Muslims.

Increasing public anger made the city council in Addu to temporarily remove the monument, but after it was placed again people began to advise the authorities to remove them permanently, as the law 6/94 and the current Religious Unity Regulations never permit such things.
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
13 November 2011, Sunday
17 Thw al-Hijjah 1432

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