Friday, February 15, 2019

Yemenis will not give in to subjugation

Four years ago Saudi Arabia launched its brutal military campaign against Yemen with the hope of crushing out Houti Ansarullah movement and restoring the unpopular President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi to power.
Millions of children face starvation in Yemen
The war on Yemen turned out to be the biggest blunder and miscalculation ever made by the Saudi Kingdom. Though Saudi coalition bombing has destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure and driven the country into starvation, the Yemenis are not a type of people that will give in to aggression, plunder and subjugation. The arrogant Saudi rulers want to rob Yemenis of everything, including their rights to determine their own future.

The Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is determined to keep waging the illegal war on Yemen while claiming the Houthis were an Iranian proxy even before the intervention. The attack on Yemen was necessary to prevent Iranian influence in the region was a fabricated lie.

Saudi foreign policies are dictated by their masters in Washington in order to subjugate and humiliate the people of Yemen. Before the Saudi imposed war on Yemen began in 2015, the Saudi planes had begun aerial attacks on Houhti positions as far back as 2009. After an attack on US embassy, the United States issued an indirect warning on Yemen by threatening to invade and eliminate al-Qaeda terrorists. The United States trying to play victim hires terrorists and mercenaries to stage attacks on itself to justify its nefarious agenda.
written by: Ibrahim Nazim

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Teachers dismissed for wearing face-veil restored to their jobs

Many face-veiled women working as teachers in schools who were dismissed by the former educational authorities under President Yamin Abdul Gayoom has been reinstated to their jobs. This has been announced by the current Minister of Education Dr Aishath Ali who stated that it is unacceptable for a person to loose job for wearing a style of clothes permissible under social norms.
Dr Aishath Ali

It was a promise made during the presidential campaign by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to employ all individuals who lost their jobs while refusing to bow down political pressure from the former administration of Yamin. Speaking during a programme on Raajje Tv, Dr Aishath said almost all individuls who filed a case of complaint against loosing jobs had been employed again.