Sunday, February 28, 2016

Saudi bombings deliberately target residential areas in Yemen

Saudi Arabia's illegal intervention in Yemen's civil conflict has killed more than 35,000 people less than a year and driven the poorest Arab nation into a catastrophe. Not long after the Saudi air campaign began the United Nations called for a halt to bombings on Yemen. The Saudi air strikes mostly kills innocent civilians, among them many women and children. 

protests against war on Yemen
The European Parliament and many rights groups around the world, including Amnesty International have called on western governments to impose an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia for its horrific human rights abuses and war crimes committed in Yemen.

The campaigners have called on Italy, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Montenegro, Switzerland, Sweden, the United States, Turkey and the United Kingdom to put aside their hypocrisy and implement Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) of which these countries are signatories to the treaty.

For more, please read
Written by: Ibrahim Nazim
19 Jumaada al-awal 1437
28 February 2016, Sunday